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[Towertalk] EZNEC 3.0 question

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] EZNEC 3.0 question
From: (Michael Tope)
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 14:12:05 -0700
As far as I know, the answer is no. EZNEC 3.0 will, however, dump a summary
of the antenna's pattern characteristics versus frequency to a text file
filename and location is specifiied in the frequency sweep menu).
the file format doesn't it lend itself to easy extraction into a spreadsheet
like Microsoft Excel (there is a paragraph of information for each frequency
rather than columns of data). One could probably write a simple basic
to extract the data in something that Excel could read (tab or space

There is a free program available called MultiNec which works with several
the popular NEC simulators (including EZNEC). I believe it features the
capability you are asking about (gain and F/B versus frequency), but I am
positive (I haven't tried it yet). You can take a look at it at the
following URL:

73 de Mike, W4EF....................

----- Original Message -----
From: "VE6WZ_steve" <>
To: "Towertalk" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: [Towertalk] EZNEC 3.0 question

> Playing with Roy's EZNEC demo to see if I like it.
> I currently use NEC4WIN95vm (MINNINEC base).
> Question: Can I create a simple graphic (line) plot of the F/B vs
frequency ? (at "x" elevation angle). This would be a plot similar to the
SWR plot which EZNEC creates.
> I am NOT referring to a 2-D elevation or azimuth plot..I see how this is
done with a frequency sweep, and this is a nice feature.  I want to plot
preformance curves on one plot vs frequency: eg:  SWR, F/B and forward gain.
> de steve  VE6WZ
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