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Re: [TowerTalk] Boom Section assembly problem...

To: "Rich Hallman - N7TR" <>,"TowerTalk" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Boom Section assembly problem...
From: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 18:23:55 -0400
List-post: <>

>I have a new 15M6 from M2'd and one of the boom sections fits EXTREMEMLY
> tight.  I was able to insert the section about half way in and that was
> it.  I needed to use a come-along to extract them.

I had the same thing happen on a 7L 6-meter C3i.  I called and they shipped 
out new sections the next day.  Some times the stock being supplied can just 
exceed the tollerances in the wrong direction. If the ID on one is a tad 
under and the OD a tad over.

> I did use Penetrox as well.
> Any ideas on using emery cloth or sander to remove enough aluminum to
> make the assembly easier?
The problem with sanding is it roughs the surface and it'll need polishing 
afterwards (if you ever want to get it apart), but if it's only a few 
thousandths  you can use strips of fine (150 grit or smaller) to get to the 
dimension, then polish with 600 grit enery cloth strips.  You make them long 
enough to use you a shoe shine cloth.  After polishing with 600, I'd go an 
extra step and shine it with a buffing wheel. Then let the whole works set 
for a day or two to pick up a bit of oxide, then reassemble using lots of 

Use the same material on the ID of the one tube, but take a 3/8" rod and cut 
a slot the width of the sandpaper stips.  Chuck up the rod in an electric 
drill motor and insert the sand paper in the slot, making sure the rough 
side is out when the drill is running.

If you have a couple of feet of tubing that needs doing this can get really 

If it's more than a thousandths or two it's hardly worth all the effort and 
I'd think the manufacturer would replace the under/over size pieces.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> FYI...These are the 2 1/2 inch sections...
> Thanks...
> Rich N7TR
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