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Re: [TowerTalk] MFJ Hygain verses Original Hygain

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] MFJ Hygain verses Original Hygain
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 19:58:56 -0500
List-post: <>

> Hi Bob,
> I have located a catalogue depicting the original Hy-gain Long John
> monobanders. Dated January 1967 it lists 5 beams.... 204B, 205B,
> 403B, 106B and 155B.
> As an example the 403B has a 46 foot boom of 4" diameter and 3 full
> size 40m elements with a largest element diameter of 2.5". Wind area
> is 23.6 sq ft and the assembled weight 250lbs. Wind survival is given
> as 125 mph with no ice.
> For 1967 these were serious antennas and the 403B lists at $1150.

That 403B is still a *serious* antenna for 2007. <:-))

Roger (K8RI)

> 73, Chris
> I note in the same catalogue, the 204BA lists for $119.95 and the TH6DX 
> $149.50
> At 20:04 30/12/2007, you wrote:
>>Hi Chris,
>>I wasn't aware that the "original" Hygain Long John
>>monobanders changed between the 60's and the 80's or early
>>90's.  Could you be referring to the Telrex monobanders
>>(which were very beefy) verses Telex-Hygain monobanders?
>>73, Bob K6ZZ
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