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Re: [TowerTalk] Shrink Tubing on Coax & PL-259?

To: "K7ZO (Scott Tuthill)" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Shrink Tubing on Coax & PL-259?
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 17:19:28 -0400
List-post: <">>
K7ZO (Scott Tuthill) wrote:
> I am about to make a bunch of coax assemblies for the latest antenna 
> projects at NK7U. Joe and I were talking about putting shrink tubing over 
> the end of the coax and up over the end of the PL-259. We have seen this 
> done on some commerically produced coax. Any thoughts on this out there?
> * Does it make a difference? Is it worth it?
Yes and Yes.
> * If so, any recommendations on what Shrink Tubing to use and suppliers of 
> it?
I use the 3M variety. that contains a 
lining of hot melt glue (IOW flooded) It adds strength and weather 
proofing to the connections.

The bottom of 
shows the connection to the bottom of the matching section on the AV640 
and a 300 ohm TV Balun.  The bottom right shows the grounding block 
which consists of a bulkhead connector mounted in Aluminum angle across 
the bottom of the small tower.

Near the bottom of is a 
series of photos of the connection to the 160 meter half sloper

I've never had any problem removing the flooded heat shrink.  Some times 
some of the glue will stick, but in general the connectors come out 
shiny. Even if the old glue sticks to the connector it doesn't hurt 
anything. If anything it adds a bit of extra glue the next time you use it.

I also use it on splices, but I'm not sure where the photos are stored.

73  and good luck,

Roger (K8RI)

> Thanks for the advice.
> Scott/K7ZO 
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