Sorry guys I just found it with Google, looks like
a good way to do it. Forget what I did ask.
73 Jim SM2EKM
On 2010-07-23 17:28, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
> Is there a picture somewhere how this looks, I donĀ“t know
> what a 502 insulator looks like.
> I have to go this route myself pretty soon, if nothing else
> to use all the Phillystran I once did buy.
> Jim SM2EKM
> -----------------------
> On 2010-07-23 16:57, Tim Duffy K3LR wrote:
>> Hello Mark,
>> I have had good success with a 502 insulator - to make the Phillystran to
>> EHS transition. I think the 502 is a safer route than shackles and thimbles
>> that might cause either preform (Phillystran or EHS sides) to distort over
>> time.
>> 73 and be safe,
>> Tim K3LR
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Mark Robinson
>> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 9:43 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Joining Phillystran and EHS
>> I am getting ready to assemble the top guys on my rohn 45 tower. I intend to
>> use a short length of 1/4ehs at the top and maybe 27 feet of 1/4 ehs at the
>> bottom. I will be using a length of Phillystran HTP667001 in the middle. I
>> will use the PLP2755 big grip on the philly with a 1/2 inch thimble. I will
>> be using a BG2144 big grip on the 1/4 ehs together with a 3/8 thimble. My
>> question is how to join the ehs and the philly together. Can I just use the
>> two thimbles looped inside of each other at the joint or do I need a shackle
>> or maybe a 502 insulator between the two big grips.
>> The shackle would need to be fairly substantial to have a working load near
>> to that of the cable at 6000 pounds. How have other people made this
>> connection?
>> 73 Mark N1UK
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