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Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Ground Rods

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Ground Rods
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 01:26:21 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 11/30/2010 6:44 PM, wrote:
>   I want to remember something about just rocking the rod up-and-down while 
> putting plenty of water around the rod. This will work as 
> "water-drilling-device" and I was told that you, that way, would be able to 
> "drill" a grounding rod BY HAND into anything but hard rocks. Is this 
> something I was dreaming or it real?
It works for me
Some say not to do this as the rod does not make good contact.  Around 
here we generally get enough rain that the rods will be in solid within 
a day or two or it may take up to a couple weeks in the dry season.

Were this in a dry area I'd probably put some salts in the water filled 
hole before dropping in the rod.

OTOH this probably would not work well in *some* sandy areas as the sand 
would just keep refilling the hole. Here, what sand we have will hold 
its shape.


Roger (K8RI)
> Hans - N2JFS
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 6:05 pm
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
> This summer I installed 10 ground rods in my red clay , shale, quartz, etc.
> ground.  I got almost no where with a sledge hammer and had to resort to
> using a jack hammer to pound them in.  Even with this machine, many only
> went in 6-7 feet deep.   At my P40A station I was never able to drive in
> ground rods by hand more than a few feet deep.   Those that say it is easy
> to drive in ground rods have never tried it in hard soil conditions.
> John KK9A / 4
> To:
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
> From: David Gilbert<>
> Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:35:10 -0700
> List-post:<">>
> I think there is danger in generalizing.  I live in very rocky terrain
> (check out my tower installation pics at and if I'm lucky I
> can get about 75% of four foot rods to go in all the way no matter what
> I pound them in with.  Even then virtually all of them take a "skew
> path."  Eight foot rods have a 100% chance of stopping on a large chunk
> of granite before they get even close to being all the way in.  I
> suspect other hams in other locations have similar issues.
> My only recourse was to put in more rods to ground my tower, and I built
> my own exothermic mold (standard type, not One-Shot variety) and bought
> a bunch of Cadweld powder on eBay so I could make as many wire-to-rod
> connections as I needed.  The biggest reservation I have is that I'm
> less likely to reach moist earth during our dry springtime with the
> shorter rods, but that's just something I have to live with.  No storms
> then anyway ...
> 73,
> Dave   AB7E
> On 11/30/2010 11:10 AM, Mark Robinson wrote:
>> I put in 10 foot copper clad 5/8 ground rods around my tower. Most of them
>> went in pretty easily..
>> Mark N1UK
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dan Bookwalter"<>
>> To:<>
>> Sent: Tuesday, 30 November, 2010 12:43 PM
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
>>> Ok , i have seen several discussions regarding what people are using for
>>> ground
>>> rods.... some use actual 5/8" ground rods , while others use 1/2" copper
>>> pipe ,
>>> thoughts on which is better ?
>>> also i was thinking about using 4ft ground rods instead of 8 footers ,
>>> but
>>> use
>>> twice as many of them , it is much easier to drive the 4 footers  ,
>>> thoughts ?
>>> thanks
>>> Dan N8DCJ
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