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Re: [TowerTalk] CDwelding a tower leg

To: Brian Alsop <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] CDwelding a tower leg
From: Frank <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 08:10:00 -0500
List-post: <">>
I fail to see why a ground is needed at all. Surely the lower two feet of tower is firmly embedded in dirt with the concrete anchor above that. If it was done that way those three tower legs should serve as some pretty good ground rods. At least my version of common sense tells me so. I will have to admit that common sense has not always been kind. Sometimes it does not make sense at all and becomes just common bs. I am wondering what it might be on this topic? Anyone venture a guess?
Brian Alsop wrote:

None of the tower sections are Cadwelded.  They are bolted together.
How is it that these bolts make an adequate lightning connection but one "has" to Cadweld the ground wire to the tower at the base? Clearly the sections have to carry as much current as the ground wire(s).
Maybe a dumb question but some explanation  more in depth than "it's 
code" is sought.
73 de Brian/K3KO

On 9/16/2012 18:44, wrote:

I always avoid mechanical ground connections for the primary grounding
conductors - cadweld the conductors to the  legs.

Umm, good advice for big commercial type towers but Cadwelding to a
Rohn 25G, 45G or 55G leg will blow a hole in it.

Steve     K7LXC

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