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Re: [TowerTalk] Temporary Antennae

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Temporary Antennae
From: K8RI <>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 23:18:26 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 2/1/2013 10:54 PM, Wilson Lamb wrote:
We put up several at FD.
40’ Rohn 25 on the back of my 16’ trailer.
Raised by elect. winch on front end.
Rested on wooden crutch to install ant.
30’ Rohn 25 manhandled, on a tilt base pinned down with rebar, same crutch to 
install beam.
Both Rohns guyed with one set of 3/8” ropes, works fine, tied to 1” steel 
stakes driven into hard ground.
I’m sure 40’ could be manhandled (walked up), but it’s somewhat more to deal 
with.  Painless with the winch.
The critical part is using the falling derrick to get started when the tower is 

Friend built 22’ trailer rig with outriggers for 55’ telescoping mast, works 
Another friend built trailer rig for homemade telescoping mast made with EMT 
and winch to raise.
All four have rotors...500 contacts on 20m, with FIVE Watts!
We've walked up a 40' 25G with a TH5 and Ham IVusing 5 men, 2 of which 
were pulling on guys to the top of the tower.  They didn't do much till 
it was past 45 degrees,
It gets pretty heavy between 20  and 45 degrees. Not bad before and 
after that.

Roger  (K8RI)

I’d MUCH rather deal with 30’ of R-25 than any push up pole, so if you have a pickup or 
trailer to carry the 10’ sections, you’re ready.

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