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Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Vertical comparison question

To: "David C. Cole" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Vertical comparison question
From: "Dan Schaaf" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 20:21:44 -0400
List-post: <">>
I posted earlier on this subject that I have a HyGain AV-640 which I really love.
I just saw in the new HyGain/MFJ catalog today and they now have a HyGain 
AV-680 which covers all bands from 6 through 80/75. Yes, because it is short 
on 80 it will have a narrow band segment, but, still, I could be comfortable 
setting it for the CW or RTTY segment of 80 and be happy not having SSB. 
Certainly no worse than a mobile 80 meter screwdriver antenna and probably 
lots better since the AV line is not base loaded like mobile antennas.
I am going to call Tom at HyGain and find out if I can simply buy the 
resonator for 75/80 and add it on to my 640. According to the catalog, the 
height is only 6 inches more than the AV-640 ( probably due to the length of 
the 80 meter resonator.
I had asked them many times a few years ago about extending the antenna to 
80 but there seemed to be no interest.

Best Regards
Dan Schaaf
60 Meters

-----Original Message----- From: David C. Cole
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Vertical comparison question

I have a Gap Challenger, and the report on the antenna below would apply
with the exception of the frequencies mentioned...  The Challenger does
best on 40 and 20 in my case.  I have a more in depth review of it at:
It is the third review down from the top...

73's and Thanks,
Dave for equipment reviews, propagation, and more...

On Sat, 2013-04-06 at 01:09 -0500, KM5VI wrote:
My experience with Gap is that they generally offer the potential for the
lower wave angle of a vertical design but really have no gain unless you are
over very conductive ground (like saltwater conductive).   They basically
operate as vertical dipoles.  I found the Titan to work best on 20m & 15m,
it is not very efficient on 40m and only marginal on 80m.  I found the
Voyager worked best on 40m & 80m.


-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Vertical comparison question

How do the "radialless" verticals, like the R5, R7000, MA5V, Gap ones,
compare in performance to the standard 1/4 wave verticals that are roof
mounted with radials? Does one tend to outperform the other? I am looking
how each performs for DXing and longer haul communications.

73 John AF5CC

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