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Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotors

To: Edward Sawyer <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotors
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:13:03 -0700
List-post: <">>
The basic control/indicate design is the same in all, as far as I can tell. A 500 ohm pot inside the rotator and a servo in the controller that nulls an inside pot to match (not sure the value). The schematics and pcb implementation inside the controller is a witches brew mess, and the gear train + o-ring belt drive a total PITA to replace the o-ring pointer "drive belt".
Shortly I will connect a 2800SDX control to a G1000 rotator as the 
G1000SDX controller is flakey.  Then one more cross over will be 
tested.  If not, then both controllers get pitched for a Green Heron.
My G1000SDA control works fine with a G1000SDX rotator, but having had 
the rotator apart I think all G1000 rotators are identical. Might also 
be true for the 2800 series.
Motors, gears and bearing arrangements are different among the rotator 
families AFAIK.  Limit switches look to be stock micro-switch variants.
I replace the bizarre keyed Jones type receptacle on the 2800 series 
controls with a stock Jones 300 6 pin from Mouser. $5.
Grant KZ1W

On 5/11/2014 9:22 AM, Edward Sawyer wrote:
Dear Towertalkians:

Repair Shop - Does anyone know if Yaesu Repair services the in tower units?
It seems that maybe they have stopped.  They were the only ones that did

Swappable Parts - What is the feeling of parts inside the housing as far as
interchangability?  Pots, limit switches, motors, etc between the 800, 1000,
and 2800 series?

Thanks for any info.


Ed  N1UR


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