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Re: [TowerTalk] Buried section base...and lightning protection.

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Buried section base...and lightning protection.
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 19:38:24 -0500
List-post: <">>
Don't forget, to provide proper drainage for the buried tower section set in concrete, such as about 6" of pea gravel or crushed the bottom of the hole.
Mechanically, the base of a guyed tower only does two things. It keeps 
the tower from sinking farther into the ground and it prevents the tower 
base from moving sideways.  For many years, ROHN sold a "dirt base" for 
the 20 and 25G.  In "good soil", no concrete was used for 50 to 60 ft 
guyed 25G towers.
I assume ROHN stopped selling the dirt base because of of builders 
misuse in poor soil and liability.
I've used dirt bases on small towers for nearly 50 years, in good soil 
with no failures.  Some of those held 5L 20 meter KLM mono-banders
Lightening protection is a different animal.  The concrete presents a 
solid mechanical base and serves as a UFER ground. Still in a dry, non 
conductive soil, the small UFER ground will likely be insufficient, but 
a lot better than the tower base with 3 ground rods.

Roger  (K8RI)

On 1/4/2016 Monday 11:58 AM, Douglas Ruz (CO8DM) wrote:

I am almost ready to build a Buried section base for a 25G tower.

The hole is 2 x 2 ft and almost 3 ft it ok for a guyed tower? is 
almost half cubic yard...and about 2000 pounds of steel bars 

Any tips are welcome.

I need some ideas about the lightning protection...How can i do a good 
connection to the tower legs to the ground rod ?...


73....Douglas, CO8DM

"No creo que haya alguna emoción más intensa para un inventor que ver alguna de sus 
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Roger (K8RI)

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