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Re: [TowerTalk] 4 square for 80

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 4 square for 80
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 19:03:02 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Wed,3/9/2016 5:56 AM, wrote:
First, any thoughts as how the terrain where the antennas are located will
affect operation?  Also, any thoughts on how the big slope from the antenna
location to the ocean will affect the signal.  On HFTA it is a big help on 80
with dipoles etc.  but I'm not sure how it will affect a vertical system.
N6BT gave a very interesting talk at Pacificon last fall (2015)) that 
addressed something like this. He set up verticals (memory fails, I 
think it was 20M) at three locations on a plateau with drop-offs on all 
sides. At the edge of the plateau facing SA, he worked SA and no JA. At 
the edge facing JA, he worked JA and no SA. In the center of the 
plateau, he worked neither. He used a drone to measure the vertical 
pattern and found the field strength increasing a bit below zero degrees 
It's worth looking for his slides or having a chat at Visalia. He's 
usually there. I just tried to find slides on the internet without success.
73, Jim K9YC

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