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Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Base rotated 5 to 10 degrees off correct bearings

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Base rotated 5 to 10 degrees off correct bearings
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 20:58:30 -0400
List-post: <>
+1 on that as well after donning my lawyer hat.

Option 1: do what is needed to *actually* bond the two pieces of concrete - drill old concrete, epoxy connecting rods.
Option 2: install permanent sign detailing construction.

Option #1 is relatively easy and inexpensive, probably the way to go.

-Steve K8LX

On 8/9/2017 8:20 PM, wrote:

Yes this likely works if you treat it as a pier pin base, meaning
installing temporary guys as you erect the tower.  My issue is that
it looks like the tower is embedded into a 4'+ concrete base when it
is really only a 1 ft thick. Someone someday will remove the guys
while dismantling the tower and think it is safe to climb the
remaining 40' of freestanding tower.

John KK9A
Stockton <> Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 07:42:02 -0500

Cut it off leaving a few inches sticking out of concrete, put it in
proper position, form and pour another foot of concrete.

Only purpose of the base is to keep it from sinking and stabilize it
until first set of guys are in place.

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