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Re: [TowerTalk] Marking?Identifying Coax Cables

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Marking?Identifying Coax Cables
From: Chuck Gooden <>
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2018 19:59:48 -0500
List-post: <>
I believe this is what we used in the shipyards to label the cables on the ship I was stationed on.  They are made from 316 Stainless steel.      Download the Brady Catalog and look at page 262 for more sizes.
See the following links:

              Cable tags:
      Metal wire ties:

Steel cable tie tool:


Chuck K9LC

On 10/12/18 21:32 PM, Don wrote:
Looking for any good methods anyone has used to PERMANENTLY mark/ID coax when you've a lot of cable running.
Tried colored tape (including the best 3M) but found it fades after a 
short period (like a year) exposed to my wind. salt water and UV 
environment. (OK in the closed junction box but not on the long 
exposed runs to and from)
I faintly  remember that there was aluminum or soft copper cable 
surrounds that the military used where one could write into or 
prestamp the material before attaching, indenting the surface pretty 
deep. Have not found a source for these.
But maybe you folks have some other good ideas. My wife suggested the 
aluminum tags she uses for her roses and other flowers but the little 
wire that holds the tag to the item must be a size 28 or smaller, I 
can imagine how long a fluttering tag like that would last, a few 
days and it would rust out or be torn off.

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