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Re: [TowerTalk] Orion 2800 Rotator Cable Replacement

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Orion 2800 Rotator Cable Replacement
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 12:46:13 -0600
List-post: <>
An alternative to the stretching exercise would be to purchase hard drawn copper wire, here are the specifications: BTW, I used to purchase copperweld however it held so terribly at P40A that I quite using it.
John KK9A

Bob Shohet, KQ2M wrote

Hi Jim,

”A major advantage of using stretched wire is that un-stretched copper
will stretch under tension over years. Before changing to stretched

I have seen you mention this a number of times in the past and I have been meaning to ask you some questions about it.
My non-engineering understanding of wires and stretch is that a given  
wire after being subject to variable strength forces over a given  
period of time, will stretch only so far before it breaks.  Assuming  
that that is conceptually correct, let’s say that we have two wires –  
Wire A and Wire B.  Wire A has been pre-stretched before being put up  
and is now compared against Wire B which has just been put up without  
being pre-stretched
Now we subject both wires to the same forces over the same period of  
time.  I would expect that going forward Wire A will not stretch as  
far as Wire B, but is more likely to break and break sooner under  
significant force than Wire B because it has already been  
pre-stretched.  Wouldn’t this be correct?
If this is not correct, can you please explain why?

Tnx & 73

Bob  KQ2M


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