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Re: [TowerTalk] Galvenized Monopole Foundation

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Galvenized Monopole Foundation
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2020 19:24:15 -0500
List-post: <>
Very interesting post. I worked for a two-way shop for 27 years. When we were in search of a local tower guy for subcontracting I found a tree climber. The tree guy said that he had climbed dozens of 100' trees, using a chain saw. We tried him out- he was afraid the towers would collapse and had ZERO mechanical aptitude. Was a bad experience all around.

-de John NI0K

Jim Brown wrote on 8/5/2020 4:01 PM:
On 8/5/2020 1:34 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
One of the local hams here had a big (~100+ ft) tree "topped" and
had a tower section installed as you described, so he could put
up a rotatable Yagi.  He would tell us about all the hassles
of training lumberjacks to do installation and maintenance.
I guess a crane couldn't get in to the forest.
Right. That's NI6T, well known DXer and contester. Years ago when I 
was considering that idea, he talked me out of it for the reasons 
noted. Think of it this way -- if you hire someone to climb a tower, 
it's very likely that he knows what to do when he gets up there. Tree 
climbers are clueless, and in my experience, not teachable.
73, Jim K9YC

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