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Re: [TowerTalk] Tree's and Screws

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tree's and Screws
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 14:12:18 -0500
List-post: <>
This is obviously an old article. Cadmium plating was popular and it  
is very good from a corrosion standpoint. The plating process uses a  
cyanide rinse which can create environmental problems. For a while  
cadmium plating was banned in the US but now it is expensive so it  
will not be easy finding Cadmium plated hardware for your trees.
John KK9A

k7lxc wrote:

The QST Article from September 1989, "The Care and Feeding of an Amateur's Favorite Antenna Support - the Tree" says Cadmium plated (but I think avoiding Copper is the main thing). The author also mentions removing when done. It's a pretty good article. He is not a fan of topping trees! This terrific article is also one of the chapters of my UP THE TOWER - The Complete Guide To Tower Construction book. That's one chapter out of 36 - LOTS of info in there! Available from
 Cheers,Steve  K7LXC


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