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Re: [TowerTalk] Wire Rope

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wire Rope
From: K9MA <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 16:27:31 -0500
List-post: <>
I have some 300 Ohm window line that's been flapping in the breeze for about 30 years without breaking. I think it's copperweld. What I did do is build a good strain relief for the connection to the antenna. The window line is supported by some short pieces of rope to the center inslulator, and some very flexible stranded wire jumpers go from the window line to the antenna.
Scott K9MA

On 9/10/2020 1:35 PM, Tom Osborne Sr. wrote:
I had some of that 450 ohm ladder line with copperweld wire and that stuff
was terrible.  It rusted like crazy where it hooked to the antenna.  After
about 6 months I had to lower the antenna, cut the ends off of the feed
line and reconnect it.  The SWR would go out of sight.  Finally took it
down and threw it away.  73

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 3:07 AM Rob Atkinson <> wrote:

I've been told that modern copperweld doesn't have anywhere near the
thickness of copper on it compared to the copperweld of 60 or 70 years
ago.   The old wire lasted.  I think W6AM used it with his rhombics
and I never heard of Don having to replace them every few years.   And
he was near the Pacific with the salt water problem.  I suggest
contacting commercial shortwave broadcasters who, in the U.S., have a
lot of rhombic antennas and find out what sort of long span wire they
use.  In general, I find it helpful to contact broadcasters whenever I
am attempting something that parallels what has been done by
commercial industry.  Those people have a knowledge base of facts and
data such as time between failure, and while their materials may be
costly, they can provide a method that can be followed to some extent
at a lower cost for a ham.



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Scott  K9MA


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