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Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran Tension Gage

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran Tension Gage
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 14:37:11 -0500
List-post: <>
There is a method without using a gauge:

-de John NI0K

KD7JYK DM09 wrote on 7/13/2021 2:27 PM:
After searching far and wide to come to the conclusion there is none
commercially available, I built my own tension gauge
I'm super confused here.  I haven't looked for tension gauges since 
putting up my own mast in 2013, and haven't looked again until a few 
moments ago.  I got 22.71 million hits for sites, and enough pics to 
choke the internet, with tension gauges ranging from small handheld 
models for string, to gauges for suspension bridges, most in the range 
of anything any of us would ever use, wire, rope, cable, you name it. 
If price is a concern, and it's a one-shot deal, look at belt tension 
gauges at an auto parts store.  Even the companies that supply bits 
and pieces for our hobby, supply the tools, and gauges to install, 
test, and use them (look up guy wire tension gauge, or cable tension 
gauge, or even rigging gauges if you're into boating).  Perhaps, and I 
don't know, does Phillystran require something more complex, and 
specialized than any other material under tension that fits in the gauge?


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