The Trials & Tribs. of KP4XS M/M Text

ramirezk at ramirezk at
Thu Apr 4 07:45:33 EST 1996

 What a week! This certainly was NOT a repeat of last years WPX 
SSB endeavor. While the days prior to the contest went without a 
hitch,the first day of the contest was full of 
anxiety,despair,and sheer panic.Senor Murphy is alive and well.
           The first wave of operators for the KP4XS M/M WPX SSB 
Operation arrived a full week before the contest.This allowed us 
plenty of time to set the station up at a casual pace,enjoy the 
cuisine, get in a few days at the beach and  do a little 
 I met Bruce,AA6KX, in Miami and both of us met Terry,K3JT, and 
Goran, S55OO in San Juan early Friday evening. This was an event 
in itself since neither one of us had ever met the other and 
had no idea what to look for. The only clue I had was on Goran 
who had sent me a scanned photo over the Internet a few days 
the trip.We all managed to find each other with little 
The "minivan" we rented wasn't really a minivan at all but 
turned out
to be a cross between a small station wagon and a Mini-Mini van.
 Somehow we managed to fit a Clipperton L, an Alpha 87 plus 
, an FT990, an Ic-740,and 4 or 5 suitcases loaded with clothes 
other goodies into the back of this thing and we were off on our 
island drive to Cabo Rojo.We got most of the station assembled 
and got the elevated 40m ground plane,a 40m inverted vee,and an 
80m USA
dipole up in the air on Saturday. On Sunday we raised the 15m 
another 80m dipole for Europe and the 160m dipole up and tested.
 We kept in touch with Tyler,KF3P, on 80 meters SSB at night 
in case we needed some forgotten items and to see if the 
3 element yagi had arrived. We had assembled the tribander for 
but didn't want to get it up in the air since we would have 
a monobander on 20. All three of the others kept themselves 
quite busy
on the bands throughout the weeknights on 40,80, and 160m CW.
We were getting great signal reports from all over and were 
quite happy
with the setup at that time. The only problem that popped up was 
Alpha 87 amp.It kept faulting out due to low line voltage. The 
QTH only 
has a 100 amp service panel and is fed by a 220 vac main that 
over the valley below us and feeds 5-10 houses before it dead 
ends at 
the site.Bruce restrapped the amp for 220 vac instead of 240vac 
did not have a reocurrence of the problem the rest of the trip.
       The local power company is in the process of upgrading 
the A/C
lines and installing the stepdown transformer at the QTH.
Due to the Present A/C problem it was impossible to take hot 
run legal power on all bands at once,turn on all the station 
or even use the TV set upstairs during the contest. It was a 
for sure.
         Tyler,KF3P, arrived on Wednesday with his 
and the Force 12 20m, 3 element yagi!We were ready for Thursday!
         Thursday was not a good day. While raising the 20m yagi
on its 30 foot pushup mast something went awry and we wound up 
numerous bends in the mast. It took a good amount of tension on 
guy ropes to get the yagi parallel to the ground but we finally
managed to get it done. While testing the yagi and Titan amp we
cooked the most important piece of equipment in the shack;the 
band pass filter! Panic set in as I envisioned massive 
interference from the band that would be open the most. I 
set off to Mayaguez in search of the correct value caps which 
out to be an effort in futility.We only had  30 hours to go 
before the
start of the contest and desperately needed parts to fix the 
I decided to call I.C.E. to explain our predicament and was 
pleased when the I.C.E. sales guy said,"no problem". Not only 
did they Overnight us the 4 caps. via U.P.S. but they sent them 
to us
only for the cost of shipping. Now that's GREAT customer 
The 5 of us were very impressed with I.C.E's responsiveness and
will do businness with them in the future! 
      Friday was a better day but not by much. Terry,WD8ISK, and 
ND3F,arrived and so did the replacement caps. ISK replaced the 
rewound a new coil and used the MFJ antenna analyzer to tune the 
the best he could for use on 20 meters. Ahhh,those MFJ and Autek
SWR analyzers;the greatest thing since sliced bread! Don't leave
home without em'! We now had the 10m yagi, a pair of receiving
EWES, and all the station grounds done and we were ready to 
Guess what happens next? Yep. We lost all A/C power as did all 
surrounding area in Cabo Rojo. The winds had kicked up and 
downed a
few power lines. My Mother told me they hadn't lost power in 
It figures that we would lose power 5 hours before the test.
I set off again for town to find out how long we would be 
power but never got a straight answer. The time was now 3PM 
and the contest started at 8PM. Five hours for them to get it 
At 6 PM AA6KX pointed out towards the window and Said 
Hey Look!" I looked but couldn't figure out what he wanted me to 
at. I thought he was pointing at a Buzzard or a U.F.O. or 
until the rest of the ops chimed in,"at the light dummy!" Power 
been restored! What else could go wrong I wondered?
           20 meters was the place to be at the start. Tyler had 
a 206
hour that first hour on 20. Fifteen was dead an hour into the 
as was ten. WD8ISK and me decided to get a little shuteye and 
around 10:30 pm. Little did we know what awaited us on Saturday
sitting on a bed and we were informed that it had quit 
A rig swap was done during the night  which cost about an 
hours time on 80 meters. WD8ISK wasted no time in isolating an 
 power supply filter cap(100pf 500WVDC). I sat down at my 15m 
waiting for the band to spring to life resigned to the fact that 
would probably have to go to Mayaguez again during prime 15m
time to search for a filter cap. I decided to let S55OO take 
so I could get to Mayaguez again and hopefully find the cap.
 We got lucky! Very lucky! I found two German made caps with an
almost identical footprint as the originals and got them back to
ISK who installed them in  the 830 and Bingo,power out!
I got back to 15 and still listened to a near dead band. Finally
at 1800 it sprang to life with strong USA Signals. 15 was good 
for about the next 4 hours and then died a slow agonizing death.
The worst part of my 15m stint was listening to LU4FM and other
LU's,ZW0Y,and HC8A running Europe in the morning,and USA/ JApan
in the evening and into the night while I couldn't hear a thing.
It was that kind of contest on 10 and 15 meters. The 
had it made on those bands. All I could do was listen as they 
increased their numbers on those bands and cross my fingers that
something would happen for us on 10 and 15. It never did.
               At some point during the USA run the Icom 740
got a little too hot and the thermal shutdown protection circuit 
kicked in. Instead of waiting for the rig to cool down I grabbed 
TS-830 and did another rig swap. In the process of tuning up the
830 we managed to burn up the 15m bandpass filter! Next time 
make sure to remove the BPF before tuning up a tube type rig.
Another plus for solid state rigs. S55OO had another stint on 
while I got the 740 ready to go on 80 meters. 
      The low band guys had their share of problems with 
inter-station interference and RF problems with the receive 
due to their proximity to the transmit antennas. I had my share 
of RF
burns this contest from picking up the ends of coax while 
someone was 
transmitting on another antenna. Tyler and ND3F spent a few 
on early Sunday morning moving the ewes to a "safer" location.
               Now I want to tell to you about S55OO. This young 
of 21 from Slovenia did yeoman's duty throughout the 
guy knows the ropes better than many that I have known. He is 
persistent,has a good command of the English language,and knows
the Ins and outs of each band. Best of all, he had lots of 
Multi Multi experience from S50C.He is the kind of op that you 
leave alone knowing full well that the band he is on is in good
hands. He already knows that he has an open invitation to return 
 year to operate from KP4XS M/M.
     The rest of the test went by uneventful except for the
persistent low A/C line voltage which,at times, would dip to
90 Volts A/C.
             Here are some interesting  notes from our M/M 
1- AA4S was the only station in the world to work us on all 6 
   I knew it would be hard to do it especially on 10 and 160.
 10 meters was difficult for us due to the interstation crud. 
 made it hard to hear the weak scatter signals. I have gotten
many reports of being heard on 10 but not hearing. Things will
be better next year!
2-The Force 12 3 element 20m yagi was a snap to assemble and
performed great! KF3P Loved the way it performed. It will
be a great addition to the KP4XS M/M WPX SSB effort.
3-My Mom always was,still is,and always will be, a good sport 
and a 
GREAT cook! Just ask the guys about the Octopus in Garlic she 
4- If you ever get to Boqueron,Puerto Rico please stop by the
"Le Bistro" bar. It is owned by a German expat. named Hans. Tell 
Ken sent you and order the margarita! You won't be sorry.
5- Conditions sucked for most of the contest. The QSO total was 
over 1k compare to last year and the score was 7 meg less.
6- Apparently the place to be was anywhere South of the Equator.
7-We had to all stop transmitting when the photosensor that 
turns the
street light kicked in and tried to jump start the light. When 
thing came on every band had about 10 minutes of 20 over s9 
With all the stations transmitting at the same time the voltage
was low enough that there wasn't enough to turn on the light.
At that rate the noise could have stayed forever.The only remedy
was to all stop transmitting and let the streetlight get the 
it needed to fully light.
8-Our antennas,supports,and feedlines had to be strung up high 
 to keep the roaming cattle from pulling it down with their
horns.We spent much time shooing away those pains in a rump 
9- Don't ever invite me over to operate after I have eaten Rice 
and Beans! Nuff Said!
            Here is our operator and equipment list followed by
the score and breakdown.
10m-WD8ISK FT990/IC736 Homebrew 3cx800 600 watts, 3 el yagi at 
25 feet.
15m-KP4XS IC740/TS830 SB220 800watts 3 el yagi at 30 feet
20m-KF3P FT1000mp,Titan 700 watts, 3 element Force 12 Yagi.
40m-AA6KX FT990,Alpha 87A 1kw, Ground plane,inv vee to EU.
80m-K3JT IC740/TS830 Clipperton L at 800 watts, dipole to USA 
and EU
160m-ND3F FT990,AL811A Amp at 450 watts and dipole at 70 feet to 

 On all bands ,all rigs,and all amps, Goran,S55OO to whom I 
express enough thanks and appreciation for an excellent job!

 Band     QSOS    MULTS
 10       181      48
 15      1638     215  
 20      2644     464 
 40      1039     225 
 80       541     101 
160       125      31 
325      6168     1084

Claimed score- 19,611,728
Category M/M
Continent- North America
QTH Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
    Thanks for the QSO Points and prefixes and see you all
next year!  73 Ken and the gang at KP4XS M/M WPX SSB 96


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