Donald Russell drussell at knox.net
Sun Dec 8 16:20:29 EST 1996

                             ARRL 160 METER CONTEST

     Call used: WA8YRS                                         Location: OH

     Category: Single Op, Unassisted      Mode: CW              Power: 100W

     Callsign of Operator: WA8YRS

     Exchanged Information: WA8YRS RST OH

     Hours of Operation: 22:33

     band      QSOs     points
     160        606       1224
     TOTAL      606       1224   X   68 multipliers  =  83,232

     Soapbox:  Got started 5 hrs late, but it was my best start ever
               in a CW contest.  Averaged around 58 q's/hr to start.
               Maybe not good for the pros, but for this little 
               pistol, it was great!  Band was excellent both
               nights, but QSO's were hard to come by the last 10 hrs.
               Contest highlight: the 160 mtr. contest.  Lowpoint:
               realizing that we have to wait a year for another one!
               By far, the most enjoyable contest of the year.
               Equipment: Yaesu ft-757GXii
                          JPS nr-12 dsp (very good for cw s&p'ing)
                          inverted V at 48 ft. (worked great!!!)
                          Tower with 2 elevated radials (not so hot)
                          Lots of patience late in the game.
     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     ARRL Awards Committee.

     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________

     Name: DONALD J. RUSSELL               Call: WA8YRS
           815 BROOKWOOD RD
           MT. VERNON, OH 43050

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P

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