Howard Hoyt hhoyt at k4pql.apex.nc.us
Thu Feb 15 11:39:54 EST 1996

                    CQ160 CW CONTEST SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign used = K4PQL   (SOUA High Power)

   Band     QSOs  Pts     Dom    DX

   160      621   1810 * (54  +  38) = 166,520 Claimed

Equipment TS830S & Clipperton L

Antennas 160M GP 1/4 wave elevated 20'

Operators Howard Hoyt K4PQL

Remarks Friday was too noisy to believe. Sat condx were great. An exceptional

JA opening on Sun morning that all but missed.

73, Howie K4PQL

 | Howard Hoyt                     |  A.R.S. K4PQL                          |
 | HHOYT at NANDO.NET                 |  7125 Roberts Road                     |
 | HHOYT at K4PQL.APEX.NC.US          |  Apex, N.C. 27502-8902                 |

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