Where's the Beef?
Bill Fisher, KM9P
km9p at akorn.net
Wed Feb 21 21:09:13 EST 1996
I would like to comment...
I really like reading the comments of the top scoring stations or even from
the not so top scoring stations as long as there is something interesting to
report. Please give us your thoughts guys! We have this seperate reflector
so that the guys that don't operate the ARRL DX contest don't get burdened
with email. So if you operated the ARRL contest and have something to
say... say it!
At 01:15 AM 2/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Since the creation of the Scores Reflector (Thanks, Bill!), I did not
>pay much attention to the "Real 3830" after the contest, thinking
>that everybody would report in on the Scores Reflector, and Mr. Floyd
>could make up those nice sheets which compare the band-by-band
>So far I've been a little disappointed. Where are the good stories and post
>contest analyses from K3LR and W3LPL. How about K1AR and N2RM?
>Dump it in, guys! We're waiting with bated breath!
>Good stuff from W1CW, K1KI, K3ZO, 9A1A, etc. but we contest freaks
>yearn for more.
>73 - Dave N3RD
>n3rd at ix.netcom.com
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