1st Time NAQP
George McCrary
geo at nando.net
Mon Jan 22 20:36:09 EST 1996
To add to all my other first time efforts in the past 6 months, I
did the SSB portion of the NAQP with the following results:
15 31 12
20 36 15
40 34 17
80 18 18
160 11 10
150 x 72 = 10,800
Mega station TH-3 @ 40 ft, 40M wire vert., 80M shunt-fed tower, and 130 ft
zepp @ 50 feet for 160M. TS-850 and the first time I used my Xmas gift Heil
mic. Once again I accomplished my goal. I'm in a few logs, and had a good
time. Plus, my first effort should be easy to beat by my second.
73 DE KQ4QM (George)
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