Scott Detloff ni8l at
Mon Jan 22 20:58:25 EST 1996

     NI8L NAQP SSB           
     Band        QSOs       Mults
     160          135         35
      80           16         11
      40           24         15
      20           71         20
      15           11          6
      10            0          0
     Total:       257         87     claimed score: 22,359   
     Antennas: 5EL 20M @ 50'
                    160M inverted vee @ 160' 
     Just playing around.  Operated 15-20 minutes at a time, S&P then CQ for
     a bit.  Will be more willing to put in more of an effort next year
     when there are decent antennas for each band.


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