don.russell at
don.russell at
Tue Jan 23 17:41:10 EST 1996
Call used: WA8YRS Location: OH
Category: Single Op All Band Mode: SSB Power: 100W
Callsign of Operator: WA8YRS
Exchanged Information: DON OH
Hours of Operation: 09:07
band QSOs points mults
160 11 11 8
75 104 104 32
40 145 145 40
20 72 72 25
15 51 51 14
10 2 2 2
TOTAL 385 385 121 SCORE: 46,585
Comments:Spent part of friday afternoon putting in 20 radials for my
160mtr sloper. Didn't realize until Saturday evening that this
project raised the resonate frequency of my 80mtr dipole and
the sloper by 50khz. Operating around 3.9 Mhz and 1.9 Mhz. is
not real productive in this contest. Had a real problem with
pirates on 75mtrs this time around. Seemed no matter where I
went, I had at least 3 tuner uppers and one guy whistling in
my ear. Made me feel like I should just sit in the middle
of the 75mtr. DX window and just call cq till my hearts content!
Didn't do this though (I'm a nice guy). I got to tuning around
instead of working the contest and looked like us contesters were
giving the rag chewers and netters lots of elbow room (no qrm).
Can't they give us the same respect? By the way, anyone who
operates an amateur transmitter without giving his/her call
sign is a pirate, not an amateur.
73, Don, WA8YRS don russell at
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