KC7EM--ARRL SSB (40m, Single-Op) Score

Steve Kelly srkelly at agora.rdrop.com
Mon Mar 4 18:56:49 EST 1996

         -+-+-+- 1996 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX "SSB" CONTEST SCORE -+-+-+-

KC7EM -- Single-Op, Single-Band, 40 Meters

Rig:            FT-1000D
Amp:            Henry
Antennae:       3/3 Full Size DX Engineering Yagis @ 160 and 80 feet.
                Both on TIC RingRotors
Software:       TR Log 5.61

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

   40CW      849         849       2547        76      = 193,572 points.
 ______________________________________________________  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


1.  Having two OD5's and a 4X6 call me shortly before sunset saturday.  Also
    being called by TR8IG, 9L1PG and A22BW.
2.  The short EU opening saturday night (0700z) allowed for a few more mults
    (ON, PA, G, GW, JW, etc.).  This was the only time I heard these stations
    during the test.  The rest of the time condx to EU were quite dead.
3.  Great activity from all those superb operators in Japan!!  We left
    coasters would be lost without them.

  Continental Breakdown        1996  1995  1994
                                40    40    40
                   ---    --    --    --    --
  USA calls   =      0     0     0     0     0
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     0     0
  N.A. calls  =      0     0    30    37    28
  S.A. calls  =      0     0    34    35    25
  Euro calls  =      0     0    57    43    70
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     6     7     8
  Asia calls  =      0     0    34    17    15
  JA calls    =      0     0   629   491   545
  Ocen calls  =      0     0    59    65    71

  Total calls =      0     0   848   695   762
                                |     |     |--> 78 mults --> 178.3k
                                |     |--------> 69 mults --> 143.8k
                                |--------------> 76 mults --> 193.5k

See ya in the WPX test...

73, Steve  KC7EM

Steve Kelly
srkelly at agora.rdrop.com

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