The real 3830 scores

Doug Smith desmith at Telalink.Net
Sun Nov 3 23:42:50 EST 1996

At 10:55 PM 11/3/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Single Op Low Power
>KR0Y/5	1355 78		211,380
>AA7BG	1145 76		174,040
>NM5M	1100 76		167,200
>AC1O/4  1039 78		162,084
>KO9Y	1018 78		158,808
>N0AT	 969 76 aa0vq	147,288
>VE6EX	 955 75		143,250
>N4OGW/5	 926 76		141,208
>KZ8E	 897 75		134,550
>WD8IJP	 825 78		128,700

W9WI/4   896 78         139,776

73 Doug
(who doesn't believe in SSB.....)

Douglas E. Smith  W9WI/4 		desmith at
1385 Old Clarksville Pike		(preferred for long files)
Pleasant View, TN  37146-8098 USA	       -or-
(615) 746-5205				72777.3143 at
		 			(preferred for time-critical info)

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