N5FG SS phone score/comments

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Mon Nov 18 12:13:07 EST 1996

Multi-op, low power score for N5FG:

Band    QSO
160SSB    0    No antenna, and why bother anyway
 80SSB  121    Nice conditions...but 40 never went long
 40SSB  435    Much MUCH better than CW weekend
 20SSB  172    Not as productive as usual on Sunday
 15SSB  118    Consistent: lots of W6/W7, and nothing but
 10SSB    0    We tried...not a peep outta anywhere
 Total  846 (x 2) x 78 == 131,976

Ops: N5FG, KR4QQ, WQ5L


N5FG and KR4QQ did a bang-up job working mults...they worked all but
AK, PR, and SK by the time my graveyard shift started. I didn't find any. 
They completed the sweep Sunday AM while I slept.

Participation seemed very high...I was amazed to have no lack of callers
whatsoever even at 0900 and 1000 utc, and 73 Qs in the very last hour.
40 meters would not quit, with virtually no skip zone all night.
20 was weird on Sunday though, going long way before sunset.
What a difference two weeks makes.

We worked 7 ND, 6 NE, 6 VT, 6 ME. Try that on CW. DE and SC were
rare with one each though. MS must have been rare judging by the
number of frantic "Mississippi up two UP TWO!" calls I got during S&P.

We worked only 19 QRP stations, less than 1/5 of my total on 
CW weekend, 500 "A" class and 327 "B" class.

The funniest thing I heard was someone on 80 with a tape loop
repeating "busybusybusybusy" over and over.

I sure hope 10 develops a pulse in the next three weeks.

-- Ray, WQ5L

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