N4CM SS Score M/S

Jeffrey Yeager jnyeager at southern.edu
Mon Nov 18 19:06:16 EST 1996

Operators: KQ4HC, N4CM
Call Used: N4CM  ex KO4EW

  80    599    dipole, bev for rx
  40    355    2 ele@ 75
  20    515    2 ele quad @ 85
  15     60    2 ele quad @ 85
      1529    78     238,524

 Rigs: 761 w/L4-b,  735 w/3-500  interlocked.  (tnx KM9P for interlock help)

Had a terrible start,  couldn't get any decent rate the first 2 hrs of the 
test.  Finally got things going on 75M with a 138 hr.  Then the 761's rx
went dead on 75M (yes I need a relay to ground the Bev ant line while 

N4CM had a crisis to deal with at work Sunday so was single op most of 
the day.  I managed to bounce around the bands till I got a spot on 40
for a couple hrs to get the rate back up,  should have done more on 40
looking at everbody elses summary sheets.

Where was everyone on 15, the band was wide open but no rate to be had from
Next year maybe we will be able to give the 2 rig M/S a serious workout.

TNX all for the Qs.

73 Jeff KQ4HC
jnyeager at southern.edu

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