Larry A. Crim k4ab at nerak.companet.net
Mon Nov 18 18:48:34 EST 1996

K4AB (ex WZ4F) 1996 ARRL SS, Single Op, High Power

BAND      QSO       ANT
80        684       Inv V @ 80', 2L Delta Loop
40        439       402CD @ 110', Dipole @ 75'
20        690       5L @ 100', 5L @ 50'
15          1       4L @ 70'
Totals  1813  x  78 = 282,828

Rigs: FT-1000MP & AL-1500
      FT-901DM & SB-220

Before the contest started, the only signals I heard on 15 were West 
coast guys.  I knew then, that this was going to be a 20/40/80 weekend.  
I even heard N5RZ warming-up on 20m.  If he's on 20 from West Texas, 15m
from Alabama is going to be bad.  So, I settled in to fight it out all 
night long if I could, and that's just what happened.  The entire weekend 
was one big long frequency battle.

I chose to operate as long as the rate held up, even if it mean't going 
24 hours straight.  That also mean't that I couldn't operate Sunday 
night.  But, I've noticed that my rates on Sunday nights aren't as good as I 
have expected.  I think that Sunday after 0000Z, participation goes way 
down until the last hour.  I wonder if anyone else has noticed that?

I took only 2 off times: 1005-1225 and 2330-0300.  Off time strategy is 
so important in this contest, but very few guys who post their score 
reveal when they took theirs.  It would be interesting to see.

Despite the overcrowded 20m band, the BC QRM on 40m, QRN on 80, and 15m 
being way too-long, its still a great contest.  I'm just glad it only 
happens once a year.

-Larry K4AB ( ex WZ4F)

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