Steve Lufcy km0l at net
Sun Nov 24 20:39:15 EST 1996

call: NX0I
cata: multi-single

band    Q's     C    Z
 160     33    23    16     phased vert's (2)
  80    151    77    24     phased vert's, 4 square
  40    308    92    31     inv V at 110'
  20    940   115    35     stacked KT34XA at 90' and 50'
  15    314    86    28     7 el at 90'
  10     27    21    10     stack, 6 el at 50'
total  1773   414   144   ->  2,594,506 score

rig 1: TS-940  Alpha 77Dx
rig 2: TS-940  4-1000
two networked computers run CT 9.26

ops: NX0I + AK0A, K0RWL, KM0L

Murphy made the start slow Friday eve and the computers out of sync, and 
wind and rain made low bands tuff Fri es Sat. 20 meters was the place to 
be for us with JA's both eve's and Eu both mornings. Nice to have 15 open 
on Sun morn and even some JA's Sun afternoon. Visions of things to come.
We were happy with score, especially since the 3 el 40 was out of order 
and Jerry put up an inv V so we could get on 40 at all. Still worked lots 
of neat stuff and had great time. Now time to rest and recover.
73 de KM0L Steve in KC

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