frenaye at pcnet.com
frenaye at pcnet.com
Wed Nov 27 02:04:20 EST 1996
Lots of fun again, looks like we're getting better at multipliers and worse
at keeping up with the Jones' on QSO totals.
Murphy visited early when the CT network didn't stabilize... Important
lesson (that should have been learned on the SSB weekend) is to make sure
the station is assembled and tested before the contest starts.
Troubleshooting network problems is 1000% harder when people are on the air
and using the software! The telling sign was 35 minutes into the contest
when K1TO was concerned his rate was terrible. Turns out a flakey serial
port (or IRQ setting) on one PC was causing the clock to run at double speed
and it looked like it an hour had passed. It looks funny when the seconds
count away at twice the normal speed... on all PCs.
The other major problem was the inability of Northeast Utilities to fix
powerline noise problems. Nothing like S-9 noise all day long towards the
Caribbean and South America on 10m. It's hard to believe we did as well as
we did on 10m. This is the third year NU has promised to solve the problems
and not come through. The 50 year old metal towers holding the 65kv lines
aren't easy to fix though. Even though they are 1.3 miles away they are
very loud (replacing insulators helped but it is corroded metal tower joints
that seems to be the problem). NU claims to have a project on the books to
rebuild the several miles of 65kv distribution lines near me next year (and
that's only because they have to have reliable power coming in from
Massachusetts because all of their nuclear plants have been shut down).
Otherwise, the nearest powerline is more than a half mile away from the
My pre-contest goals (deliberately high) were 6000 QSOs, 174 zones and 635
countries - we pretty much hit two of them on the nose - not bad! Congrats
to the super stations that finished ahead of us!!!
73 Tom
Call: K1KI Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Multi Multi
160 313 810 2.59 20 76
80 551 1518 2.75 24 100
40 1372 3946 2.88 37 144
20 1651 4788 2.90 40 156
15 1123 3257 2.90 33 128
10 62 138 2.23 16 35
Totals 5072 14457 2.85 170 639 => 11,695,713
Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
Continent Stats
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL percent
North America 80 93 120 122 94 24 533 10.1
South America 5 13 31 55 60 25 189 3.6
Europe 230 439 1165 1258 925 4 4021 76.4
Asia 1 4 66 227 20 1 319 6.1
Africa 5 12 37 34 27 8 123 2.3
Oceania 3 5 25 23 21 1 78 1.5
QSO Counts By Band-Country (minimum of 10 on at least one band)
PRFX 160 80 40 20 15 10
9A 3 7 18 15 10
DL 38 61 213 216 188
EA 4 13 48 45 56 2
EU 1 4 9 10 3
F 10 14 89 68 79
G 34 28 75 82 103 1
HA 11 21 59 41 27
HB 1 3 25 22 18
I 4 16 83 72 62
JA 37 169 6
K 25 27 30 36 16 12
LA 1 7 6 18 10
LU 4 8 18 17 12
LY 2 14 9 23 10
LZ 2 6 20 12 14
OE 3 15 13 13
OH 6 13 20 40 36
OK 16 26 78 81 59
OM 12 7 17 17 7
ON 5 5 13 22 22
OZ 5 5 11 19 11
PA 9 6 20 28 16
PY 9 16 25 2
S5 6 13 36 34 23
SM 16 15 22 32 18
SP 9 25 53 50 40
UA 1 23 46 70 16
UA9 11 28
UR 3 34 69 73 14
VE 25 30 35 41 29 2
VK 2 12 10 5
YO 1 4 12 12 4
YU 4 16 34 32 10
BREAKDOWN QSO/mults (we had some clock problems so this isn't perfect)
HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 19/16 21/15 83/29 21/12 ..... ..... 144/72 144/72
1 35/14 47/13 58/21 9/4 . . 149/52 293/124
2 16/4 48/15 45/32 10/3 . . 119/54 412/178
3 29/8 27/8 53/6 14/5 . . 123/27 535/205
4 28/5 25/12 36/5 16/3 . . 105/25 640/230
5 16/2 38/13 25/6 7/3 . . 86/24 726/254
6 34/8 19/5 31/4 7/4 . . 91/21 817/275
7 10/5 29/6 25/2 3/1 . . 67/14 884/289
8 6/3 14/1 21/7 2/1 ..... ..... 43/12 927/301
9 4/2 3/0 32/3 1/1 . . 40/6 967/307
10 2/1 2/0 16/2 19/13 . . 39/16 1006/323
11 5/1 7/2 9/5 75/22 13/13 . 109/43 1115/366
12 1/0 1/1 14/2 136/15 116/26 . 268/44 1383/410
13 . . 9/0 115/12 167/10 . 291/22 1674/432
14 . . . 112/4 162/13 1/1 275/18 1949/450
15 . . . 114/3 97/19 2/2 213/24 2162/474
16 ..... ..... ..... 50/2 69/13 3/3 122/18 2284/492
17 . . 6/0 46/3 21/6 . 73/9 2357/501
18 . . 38/5 39/5 16/3 8/3 101/16 2458/517
19 . . 61/2 38/8 12/5 5/1 116/16 2574/533
20 . . 74/2 22/4 15/2 1/0 112/8 2686/541
21 2/1 8/1 55/0 26/5 10/2 . 101/9 2787/550
22 11/0 7/0 53/2 22/2 4/0 . 97/4 2884/554
23 7/1 19/2 35/1 5/1 . . 66/5 2950/559
0 2/0 21/1 21/1 18/4 ..... ..... 62/6 3012/565
1 13/2 18/2 28/1 15/2 . . 74/7 3086/572
2 29/1 47/0 16/1 6/2 1/0 . 99/4 3185/576
3 8/0 24/1 12/2 5/1 . . 49/4 3234/580
4 6/2 29/1 35/1 9/0 . . 79/4 3313/584
5 3/0 14/1 60/1 . . . 77/2 3390/586
6 10/2 21/1 56/0 2/1 . . 89/4 3479/590
7 3/0 13/0 36/1 2/1 . . 54/2 3533/592
8 ..... 5/0 29/0 ..... ..... ..... 34/0 3567/592
9 2/1 2/0 7/0 . . . 11/1 3578/593
10 . 1/0 1/0 14/1 2/0 . 18/1 3596/594
11 . 6/1 1/0 67/0 11/3 . 85/4 3681/598
12 1/0 . 8/1 87/1 41/3 1/1 138/6 3819/604
13 . 1/0 4/0 61/3 99/0 8/6 173/9 3992/613
14 . . 2/0 60/1 86/4 6/6 154/11 4146/624
15 . . . 76/3 71/2 10/7 157/12 4303/636
16 ..... ..... ..... 84/2 36/4 7/4 127/10 4430/646
17 . . 1/0 41/0 25/1 2/0 69/1 4499/647
18 . . 1/0 25/1 15/1 . 41/2 4540/649
19 . . 45/1 27/0 13/1 5/1 90/3 4630/652
20 1/0 . 53/1 15/1 8/1 2/1 79/4 4709/656
21 . 7/0 83/1 28/1 9/1 1/1 128/4 4837/660
22 6/0 17/1 52/1 51/0 1/0 . 127/2 4964/662
23 4/0 10/1 42/1 49/1 3/0 . 108/3 5072/665
DAY1 225/71 315/94 779/136 909/136 702/112 20/10 ..... 2950/559
DAY2 88/8 236/10 593/14 742/26 421/21 42/27 . 2122/106
TOT 313/79 551/104 1372/150 1651/162 1123/133 62/37 . 5072/665
E-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions: 3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests: 3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems: owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by: Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P
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