N4DVW - 40M SO HP Score

Dan Nixon adnixon at akorn.net
Mon Oct 28 08:57:18 EST 1996

N4DVW Single Op 40M Unassisted High Power

   QSOs      Zones     Ctys
    214        29       81     
     SCORE: 64,790

-Great to be back on the air contesting from my own qth
	after many years away.  
-If only those good mults down low would have listened up.
-CU on CW.

Rig: FT1000MP
Amp: Alpha 78
Antennas: Force 12 3 el.at 140', Inv.V.at 90' for multipliers.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P

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