[3830] Helvetia Contest H26, HB9FR Multi-Op CW

Cedric Baechler HB9HFN cedric.baechler at com.mcnet.ch
Sun Apr 27 19:03:20 EDT 1997

                             HELVETIA SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 26-Apr-97, 27-Apr-97

    Callsign Used : HB9FR (Canton: FR)
        Operators : HB9ACA HB9BOU HB9BQP HB9CYY HB9DLZ
                    HB9HFK HB9HFM HB9HFN HB9HFQ HB9HFR

         Category : Multi-Op, Category CW

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points  Cantons  Countries

  160CW       76          76         78      18        16
   80CW      195         195        209      24        33
   40CW      331         330        478      22        44
   20CW      434         434        816      16        47
   15CW       51          51         77      13        19
   10CW       18          18         18      13         2

 Totals     1105        1104       1676     106       161

    Final Score = 447492 points.

Rig: TS850 + TL922 linear

160m           : inverted V at 20m
 80m	         : dipole at 20m
 40m	         : dipole at 20m and vertical AP8
 20m, 15m, 10m : TH7 at 20m

Logging: TR-Log v6.00 and 2 PC's


We used the call HB9FR (and not HB9FG as last year) to avoid confusion
with the station HB4FG that was active this weekend (?) to celebrate a
special event. 

We couldn't use the 3 elements beam for 40m because of a high SWR
that sometimes happened and was not resolved for the contest. Murphy laws
are always with us...!

We have had almost continous rain all the weekend that provided us
with static on the bands and a higher SWR on the vertical !!

This year we didn't have sporadic-E on 15m and 10m as last year.
Our score drops a little bit with 10 qso's less and much less countries
than last year.

We've had a great time and we'll come back next year with the call HB9FG

73, Cedric HB9HFN (team HB9FR)

P.S: pse QSL via the HB9 bureau

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