[3830] K3LR 1997 CQWW CW Multi Multi

Tim Duffy tduffy at sygnet.com
Tue Dec 2 16:21:53 EST 1997

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It is great to see so many USA stations in multi multi!
Congrats to KC1XX, W3LPL, K1KI and N3RS, all who did a super job.

See you in the ARRL DX contests!
Very 73!

Tim K3LR

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                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1997

      Call: K3LR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi


 160      144      351     2.44     22      64  K8GL op
  80      528     1398     2.65     30     102  K3UA op
  40     1832     5282     2.88     38     139  K3EST + K3LR
  20     1807     5239     2.90     40     150  N9RV + N2AA
  15     1682     4792     2.85     36     133  N3RA + N5ZO(OH6DO)
  10      653     1575     2.41     33     111  KA3JWJ + ND8L

Totals   6646    18637     2.80    199     699  =>  16,736,026

Antenna Description:
160: Ground mounted, 1/4 wave, 5 element parasitic vertical beam 
 80: 3 ele M2 yagi at 150 feet + Ground mounted 4 square
 40: 4 el/4 el WA3FET Fullsize yagis @190'/100' + 2 ele yagi at 140'
 20: 5/5/5 K3LR yagis @ 170'/110'/50' + 5 ele at 120'
 15: 6/6/6 K3LR yagis @ 120'/80'/40'  + 5 ele at 80'
 10: 7/7/7 K3LR yagis @ 100'/66'/33'  + 6 ele at 200' + 7 ele at 50'

1 Prop Pitch, 1 Wilson 1000, 2 Create RC5B3, 11 TIC Ring Rotors

160: FT1000MP + Homebrew Single Band 8877
 80: FT1000MP + Alpha 77DX
 40: IC781 & IC775 + Homebrew Single Band 8877
 20: IC781 & IC781 + Homebrew Single Band 8877
 15: IC765 & IC765 + Homebrew Single Band 8877
 10: IC765 & IC765 + Homebrew Single Band 8877

New coffee consumption record set by K3UA at 68 cups in 48 hours.

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                              Continent Statistics

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America     76  114  145  135  159  187  816    11.7
South America      6   13   25   69   87   56  256     3.7
Europe            51  333 1535 1244 1221  349 4733    68.0
Asia               2   46  183  403  237   18  889    12.8
Africa             5   11   25   31   27   22  121     1.7
Oceania            6   11   22   43   31   29  142     2.0

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     QSO Counts By Band-Country  (minimum of 10 QSOs on one band)

     K3LR   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     30 Nov 1997

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   9A     2           8          23          18          20           5         
   DL     2          54         283         180         245          83         
   EA     1           5          39          45          45          19         
   ES                 1           7          10           3                     
   EU                 4           8          11           4                     
    F                19          97          61          79          41         
    G     9          21          99          72          85          37         
   GM     3           4          10           7          13           1         
   GW     2           3           7           4          10           2         
   HA     1          12          45          39          39           7         
   HB                 4          28          16          24           7         
    I                10         106          58          66          26         
   JA     1          40         123         288         198          10         
    K     4          36          44          30          53         105         
   LA     1           6          13          27          16           3         
   LU                 1           5          22          33          24         
   LY                 5          23          20          14           4         
   LZ     1           2          21          14          12           1         
   OE                 4          12          12          15           2         
   OH     4          20          54          74          62           4         
   OK     1          22          82          57          74          23         
   OM     1           9          17          16          19           2         
   ON     2           6          21          23          15           4         
   OZ     2           4          13          11          11           2         
   PA     1           8          21          12          21           4         
   PY     1           1           6          21          28          13         
   S5     1          17          59          42          40          16         
   SM     6           8          32          27          18           5         
   SP     1          16          58          54          43          18         
   UA     1           9         106         164          50           2         
  UA9     1           3          27          60          21           1         
   UR                17         105          66          63           4         
   VE    37          42          49          46          48          30         
   VK     2           3           8          18           6           8         
   YO                            17          10          18                     
   YU     1           9          47          35          37           4         
   ZL                 1           3           3           1          10         

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HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    17/12    19/18    99/55    56/30    18/12     4/2   213/129  213/129
   1    13/8     20/15    91/22    25/10     2/0      1/0    152/55  365/184
   2     8/5     23/14   103/16    12/5      3/0       .     149/40  514/224
   3     4/3     29/6     65/7     11/7      1/0       .     110/23  624/247
   4     8/7     41/11    93/3     12/5      1/0       .     155/26  779/273
   5    10/2     37/7     65/2     11/4       .        .     123/15  902/288
   6    15/8     45/6    107/3     16/3       .        .     183/20 1085/308
   7    10/3     55/4     86/4      7/5       .        .     158/16 1243/324
   8     2/0     20/3     81/1     18/8     .....    .....   121/12 1364/336
   9     1/0      8/3     43/2      9/3       .        .      61/8  1425/344
  10     3/2      8/2     21/3     24/6      3/3       .      59/16 1484/360
  11      .      16/0     29/6     41/9     15/12      .     101/27 1585/387
  12      .      10/1     11/4    154/11   112/31    11/8    298/55 1883/442
  13      .       1/0     36/0     71/8    135/17    22/15   265/40 2148/482
  14      .        .       1/0     90/5    144/15    21/14   256/34 2404/516
  15      .        .        .      95/4    116/7     11/5    222/16 2626/532
  16    .....    .....    .....    93/4     86/5     36/7    215/16 2841/548
  17      .        .        .      82/2     60/5     26/5    168/12 3009/560
  18      .        .        .      60/0     41/2     21/3    122/5  3131/565
  19      .        .       9/0     57/2     24/2     24/2    114/6  3245/571
  20      .        .      49/1     37/3     26/2     18/4    130/10 3375/581
  21      .       4/1     78/2     52/1     36/7     11/2    181/13 3556/594
  22     4/2     13/2     55/0     75/2     72/1      9/1    228/8  3784/602
  23     4/3      9/0     71/1     67/4     27/0       .     178/8  3962/610
   0     7/2      9/1     69/0     15/0     .....     1/0    101/3  4063/613
   1     5/2     11/3     38/0      7/1       .        .      61/6  4124/619
   2     8/2     12/0     40/1      6/0       .        .      66/3  4190/622
   3     6/0     16/0     24/1      6/1       .        .      52/2  4242/624
   4     3/1     16/0      9/0      2/1       .        .      30/2  4272/626
   5     5/3      8/0     25/0      2/0       .        .      40/3  4312/629
   6     4/1     34/2     46/1      5/0       .        .      89/4  4401/633
   7     1/0     14/0     49/0      3/0       .        .      67/0  4468/633
   8     1/0      8/4     51/0      1/0     .....    .....    61/4  4529/637
   9      .       1/0     22/0       .        .        .      23/0  4552/637
  10      .       1/0     43/0       .        .        .      44/0  4596/637
  11     1/0      3/0     30/1     33/1      4/1       .      71/3  4667/640
  12     3/2     23/3      6/2     89/1    106/1      9/5    236/14 4903/654
  13      .        .       2/0     79/0    139/3     23/12   243/15 5146/669
  14      .        .        .      57/1    114/2    149/11   320/14 5466/683
  15      .        .        .      46/1     70/0    116/10   232/11 5698/694
  16    .....    .....    .....    51/1     72/1     40/4    163/6  5861/700
  17      .        .        .      69/2     58/0     27/1    154/3  6015/703
  18      .        .        .      39/0     21/2     19/0     79/2  6094/705
  19      .        .       4/0     24/1     30/1     12/0     70/2  6164/707
  20      .       1/0     19/1     20/0     19/1     12/1     71/3  6235/710
  21      .       9/0     59/3     27/1     16/0     16/2    127/6  6362/716
  22     1/0      1/0     47/0     22/0     54/3     11/0    136/3  6498/719
  23      .       3/0     56/1     29/1     57/2      3/0    148/4  6646/723
DAY1    99/55   358/93 1193/132 1175/141  922/121   215/68    ..... 3962/610
DAY2    45/13   170/13   639/11   632/13   760/17   438/46      .   2684/113
TOT    144/68  528/106 1832/143 1807/154 1682/138  653/114      .   6646/723


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