[3830] RN4W CQ WW 1997 CW MOST

Dmitry Zakharov npf at udmnet.ru
Tue Dec 2 15:23:54 EST 1997

                        1997 CQ WW CW Summary Sheet of


                               European RUSSIA

                                Multi / Single

            Band          QSO        Points      Zones      DX-mults

             10            70         141          25          59
             15           736        1444          34          94 
             20           810        1616          35         106
             40           461         749          28          94
             80           532         703          23          86
            160           175         289          14          48

     TOTAL               2784        4942         159         487

     Total Score :  4942 x (159 + 487) = 3,192,532

Equipment:      UW3DI, Yaesu FT-990, UW3DI.

Antennas :      1.8, 3.5 - 2 el Beam Up 30 m;
                    7    - 4 el Beam Up 20 m;
                   14    - 3 el Quad Up 35 m;
                 21, 28  - 4 el Quad Up 25 m.

Operator(s):    RU4WJ  - Nick Blinov,
                RW4WM  - Dmitry Zakharov,
                RW4WR  - Sandy Orlov,
                UA4WJF - Alex Klepanov,
                UA4WKK - Dmitry Labygin.

Club or team:   Russian Contest Club 

Name:  B.Baranov                Address:   RUSSIA, 426006, Izhevsk-6, box 472

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter within
the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
regulations of the contest:

Signature                Dmitry A.Zakharov /RW4WM/    Date  01.12.97

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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