[3830] SM0AJV CQWW CW SOAB/HP/Unassisted

ingemar fogelberg ingemar.fogelberg at communicator.se
Tue Dec 2 15:11:18 EST 1997

                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 29-Nov-97, 30-Nov-97

    Callsign Used : SM0AJV
         Operator : SM0AJV

         Category : SOAB/HP/Unassisted

 Default Exchange : 599 14

             Name : Ingemar Fogelberg
          Address : Saemjevaegen 52
   City/State/Zip : S-162 71 VAELLINGBY
          Country : Sweden

        Team/Club : TOEC - Top of Europe Contesters

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   80CW      172         172        222        48        10
   40CW       98          98        143        40        11
   20CW       97          97        181        34        13
   15CW       16          16         42         7         8
   10CW        1           1          0         1         1

 Totals      384         384        588       130        43

    Final Score = 101724 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 My effort was really part time because of family activities. Nice
 to find the condx in shape. Did S&P 99% of the time.
 Working 17 US-stations with my very low 80m dipole,
 only  6m up, was a thrill. Had some problems with
 my call sign. It's very similair to SM0AJU / Leif. Its only one
 dots difference. Anyhow Leif was only working 160m and I didn't
 make any QSO on that band.

 Equipment used:
 Rig: TS450 + L4B
 Ant: R7 + dipole on 80 @ 6m

 See you all in CQ160 WW from SM5HJZ!

 73 de Ingo / SM0AJV

 Ingemar Fogelberg   ! Phone:  +46 (0)8 764 4194
 Communicator CEC AB ! Fax:    +46 (0)8 764 4570
 BOX 1310            ! E-mail: mailto:ingemar.fogelberg at communicator.se
 S-171 25 SOLNA      ! WWW:    http://www.communicator.se
 Sweden              !

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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