[3830] ARRL 160 - N6RO SOHP

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Sun Dec 7 19:45:18 EST 1997

<bigger>                             ARRL 160 -   1997


    Callsign Used : N6RO

         Operator : N6RO

         Category : Single Op, High Power


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   


</bigger>  160CW      727         727       1545      75         7 


 Totals      727         727       1545      75         7 

    Final Score = 126690 points.

FT1000MP, ALPHA 76

TX Antenna:  Full size quarter wave vertical, 4 elevated radials

RX Antennas: dipole @ 120', 40m beam, 80m sloper, 300' low wire

The GOOD:  New transmit vertical is 1-2 S units better than the dipole at

The BAD:  Still working on the new vertical three hours into the contest.
 Weather precluded getting two 550' beverages up.  Don't ask why I didn't
do this in October!

The UGLY:  Noise, Noise, Noise - during prime time, both nights:  Power
line noise from 40 mph winds on Friday night was 20 over 9 until about
06Z, kept the rate down.  Then precip. static came on about 10Z and
slowed down the JA run.  Nice and quiet for two hours Saturday night
until thunderstorm static built up to 10 over 9 until 09Z.  At 10Z the
rain static came on again, peaking at S9 for the last two hours.  Thanks,
El Nino~.  I really missed those beverages!  Drank wine instead (Sunday
AM) to endure the buzz.  Enjoyed the contest anyway.


Ken Keeler    N6RO

KO6N  and N6O(CQP 97)

N6RO at jazznut.com    

510-625-2707  FAX 510-625-9403

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