[3830] WB4HFL 10 Meter SOLP SSB only

henrypol2 at juno.com henrypol2 at juno.com
Wed Dec 17 22:55:49 EST 1997

Mode:  SSB
QSOs: 321
QSO points: 642
States/Prov: 49
Countries: 24
Total: 46,866
Time: 18 hrs.
Club affiliation: PVRC

Wow, what a roller-coaster weekend.  Just when you think you have it
figured-out, 10 just reaches out and gives you a slap in the face!  The
rapid propagation changes were strange and directions shifted by the
minute.  Very stressful when you tell the family that things have
died-down and now we can go eat lunch, then in 30 seconds Europe, South
America and the midwest are both back with S9+ signals.

Had a few short (5 min.) runs to Europe; managed to work 28.  Even was
called by SV0AN.  Pulled out my ARRL DXCC Countries List from 12/96 to
check which country I had just worked and was surprised to see that the
Allocation of International Call Sign Series page showed SVA-SZZ as
Bangladesh.  Wow, I was in shock.  Then I thought, this can't be right. 
Sure enough, a check of the 9/97 issue confirmed that SV was not
Bangladesh, but Greece.  Oh well, it still was a good catch considering
the current conditions.  The new 6 element rope-boom yagi fixed on Europe
seemed to play well.  The LUs and other S. Americans were not as
plentiful as during the CQWW.

Anyhow, wound up with 321 QSOs, 49 states/prov. (missed SC, DE & KY,
never heard MS, ND, CO, AK, BC, or SK) and 24 countries for a total of
46,866; best effort in several years, but better times are ahead of us. 

Equipment:  TS850SAT with IRCI filters in both IFs, Heil HC4/boom mic on
Radio Shack phones, MFJ949D tuner, new dry 9913, 6 element rope-boom yagi
stretched between two trees at 45 ft. fixed on Europe, reversible for
ZL/VK/XE, 4 element yagi hanging from tree limb at 40 ft fixed on S.
America, 3 element yagi hanging from another tree limb at 30 ft. fixed
West.  Who said you are limited to wires when you only have trees for
supports? :-)  "Trees are not for wire antennas only" (tm)

Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
Raleigh, NC

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