Igor S Sokolov ua9cdc at dialup.mplik.ru
Thu Dec 18 00:27:27 EST 1997

                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 29-Nov-97, 30-Nov-97, 01-Dec-97

    Callsign Used : UA9CDC
         Operator : UA9CDC

         Category : SOAB HP

 Default Exchange : 599 17

             Name : Igor S Sokolov
          Address : 23 Bajkalskaja str. ap 10
          Country : Asiatic Russia

        Team/Club : URAL CONTEST GROUP
   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW      103         102        274        35         8
   80CW      379         379       1079        56        16
   40CW      354         353        967        78        29
   20CW      416         415       1212        70        27
   15CW      289         286        768        60        25
   10CW      163         162        463        42        19

 Totals     1704        1697       4763       341       124

    Final Score = 2214795 points.
 Pretty good propagation, I only wish I had 250hz filter installed. It
 was next to impossible to find run freq. 500 watt is not enough to
 run on 80,40 and 20 let alone 160. At least not with UA9 call... I
 should have done better but no experience in SOAB category. Always
 worked MS from the club (RK9CWW). I did tactical mistakes when S&P
 (picking only new multiplyers, silly me) which costed me at least
 another 300 QSO.

This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules
and regulations of the contest.

Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call

Igor S Sokolov
email <ua9cdc at qsl.net>
Alternative email <ua9cdc at dialup.mplik.ru>

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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