[3830] W1HIJ -- RAC 97 --SO/LP/AB

W1HIJ-Bill w1hij at contesting.com
Sun Dec 28 17:20:18 EST 1997

W1HIJ  RAC 97 -- Semi-serious -- "Barefoot with Dipoles in California, Eh?"
QTH is about 50 miles South of Los Angeles

10 Hours, 15 Minutes operating time

TS940S - 100 W, 40 Meter Dipole, 20 Meter Dipoles (2), 10 M Gnd Plane
TRLog V6.16

  BAND   Raw        Valid        Points   Mults   

   80CW        2              2           12         1 
   40CW       51             51        340       6 
   20CW       54             54        384       7 
   20SSB      24             24        234       7 
   15CW       31             31        232       7 
   15SSB      12             12        104       6 
   10SSB       3               3         22          1 

 Totals      177         177       1328      35 

    Final Score = 46480 points.

I haven't thought about the meanings of these numbers yet so as to improve
my station performance, but just as observations:

64% of the Q's were with VE's, 23% were with W/K, and 13% with the Rest of World

Best Band for VE's as % of total Q's was 15, worst was 40.

47.5% of Q's came from CQ'g (surprising for 100 W and dipoles). 11 out of 35
mults came while CQ'g, and only 2 of 7 twenty pointers came while CQ'g

Gotta do something about the 20 Meter antenna for domestic contests, of the
first 12 stations who answered my CQ on 20 CW Sunday morning (around 14Z), 6
were Europeans.


Onward to NAQP -- Bill, W1HIJ

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