K6LA Phone Sprint

KWIDELITZ at delphi.com KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Sun Feb 2 08:49:53 EST 1997

Callsign of Operator: K6LA

Exchanged Information: K nr KEN CA

Hours of Operation: 03:58

band      QSOs     points
 80         85         85
 40        115        115
 20         55         55
TOTAL      255        255   X   47 multipliers  =  11,985

Club or Team Name: SCCC

Comments: Usually I only operate Sprint Phone for an hour and
have to go out for dinner, but this was the first time I got
to  work  the entire contest. Sure was fun. Looks like my first
visit to the Sprint Top Ten. Would have been even better if 20
had  stuck around longer. Worked every mult I heard and even
coaxed #1 out of 3 new ones in the late going. Never heard
VE1, 2, 3, or 4, VT, ME, SD, NE and MD???

73. Ken, K6LA - Ken Six Los Angeles, KWIDELITZ at DELPHI.COM

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