HH2AW 80m ARRL CW score

Ivo Pezer, 9A3A/HH2AW/5B4ADA 9A3A at MAIL.ACN2.NET
Mon Feb 17 02:50:43 EST 1997

HH2AW (9A3A) ARRL CW 80m score:

QSOs 1258   MULTS 59 Score 222666 points

My family and small antenna farm restricted my operation to 80m only.
XYL and a son have not got used to Haiti yet, although they gave me 
permission to go to HH2PK's QTH but I could not get Friday off and it's 
too long to operate 48 + hours without proper sleep on Friday.
So, the only choice from my home is 160/80 m. I've got LW on 160, but 
only 10m high and since I won on 80 last year with my Butternut vertical 
I've chosen 80 again. There is not much to do when you operate single 
band ARRL - calling, calling and calling. Condx were better than last 
year, no clouds and not much noise so I managed to make better score 
than last year. Having John, ON4UN/OT7T means I couldn't take a nap from 
time to time. I overslept Saturday morning opening not knowing John was 
there, so had to stay awake Sunday morning working 30-50 stations an 
hour, but working them, HI. Will try 80 in a couple of weeks again for a 
phone weekend to keep family happy. Sorry for not giving you mult on 
high bands, I had to entertain my son.
73 and CU on phone weekend.
Ivo, HH2AW/9A3A/5B4ADA

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