Chad Kurszewski WE9V kurscj at oampc12.csg.mot.com
Mon Jan 20 15:32:51 EST 1997


    Callsign Used : KS9K
     Station Used : KS9K
        Operators : WE9V + K9PG

         Category : Multi-Op, 2 TX,    **  100W  **

 Default Exchange : Paul WI

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   
  160SSB     255         255        255      52 
   80SSB     474         474        474      56 
   40SSB     410         410        410      53 
   20SSB     437         437        437      57 
   15SSB     188         187        187      38 
   10SSB       1           1          1       1  (local dude)
 Totals     1765        1764       1764     257 

Final Score = 453,348 points.

Going to sound like a broken record, but "what a fun contest".
Too bad for K9PG, I had (slightly) more QSO's than he did (again).
Also, my best 60 minutes was a 133 (on 80M) and Paul's best was a 120
on 160M.

We swapped the bands this weekend:
Station 1:              WE9V op
FT-1000MP 100W          20 & 80M
5/5/5/5 on 20M, 3 el M^2 on 80M, 2 2-wire beverages

Station 2:              K9PG op
FT-1000MP, 100W         10, 15, 40 & 160M 
5/5/5 on 10M, 6/6/6/6 on 15, 3/3 on 40M, Lazy V for 160, shared bevs

It's kinda neat that just on 20 and 80M, I had 911 x 113 = 103K.
Paul had 854 x 144 = 123K.  Not too bad of scores for only half the

Every dang SSB contest I run into some stubborn W2 or K2, or whatever,
that comes on and starts talking Spanish to a couple other stations.
He's EXTREMELY persistant, and of course claims that he's been there
forever.  I, of course, have been there forever... 2.5 hours on that
exact frequency, somewhere about 14.268.  It's probably the same jerk
that gave me so much grief for SS.  Just fires up, 200Hz away, then
when you finally get his attention, he claims that you are intentionally
interfering with him.  They go away for a while, then an hour or so later,
come right back, same BS.  (Venting completed.)

80M got terribly slow the last two hours.  Less than a 50 rate per radio
is dog slow.  So...to combat this problem, I went into the DX window and
worked a few Europeans that were calling CQ.  On SSB...with 100W...from
Wisconsin.  Very neat.  Got great signal reports as well.  Worked DJ7AA,
DF4PL, YU1XA, S59A, RK2FWA and YV1AVO.  Points are points.  I should have
called CQ DX, but thought I could get more Qs sticking to working NA.

Congrats to K6LL for a killer 15M line which helped his win and a new
all-time #8 NAQP (claimed) score.

I see from surfing the FOX site, that we also edged out KW8N's Jan '94
multi-op score and now unoffically have the #3 all-time high multi-op
score.  FYI, #1 and 2 are (from the days of the high bands):  
WB5VZL    598,404    1/94  (now K5TR)
W0AIH     463,681    1/94  (WE9V, KA9FOX, ex-N0BSH ops)

And thanks and congrats to the K5TR team for the close competition.
They got to an early 100+ QSO lead on us, but with no 10M and poor 15M,
they didn't get as big of a lead as they could have.  We didn't worry too
much because of the impending low band time ahead.  Sure enough, we over-
came the deficit due to the low bands to come back for the possible win.
Q totals were close.  Killer 20M line guys, and the biggest surprise is
the 80M mults.  WOW!!  See George, you don't have to worry about the
3el 80M beam!!

And speaking of 10M, what a change from CW weekend!  103 x 25 for CW and
1 x 1 for SSB.  Yikes!!

Anyone know what's up with the W5WMU multi-four??  Do they just do that
for fun and give out the LA mult??

My rate on 20 & 80:
  ----  ------  ------   -----   -----
   18              88      88      88
   19              96      96     184
   20              93      93     277
   21              56      56     333
   22              47      47     380
   23              55      55     435

    0     129       2     131     566
    1     103             103     669
    2      92              92     761
    3      83              83     844
    4      32              32     876
    5      35              35     911
  TOTAL   474     437

K9PG's rate on 15/40/160:
  HOUR  160SSB   40SSB   15SSB   10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   18                      74              74      74
   19                      64              64     138
   20               3      40              43     181
   21              54      10              64     245
   22              92                      92     337
   23              82                      82     419

    0             109                     109     528
    1              49                      49     577
    2      37      21                      58     635
    3     118                             118     753
    4      60                              60     813
    5      40                       1      41     854
  TOTAL   255     410     188       1  

And the total rate:

  HOUR  160SSB   80SSB   40SSB   20SSB   15SSB   10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   18       0       0       0      88      74       0     162     162
   19       0       0       0      96      64       0     160     322
   20       0       0       3      93      39       0     135     457
   21       0       0      54      56      10       0     120     577
   22       0       0      92      47       0       0     139     716
   23       0       0      82      55       0       0     137     853

    0       0     129     109       2       0       0     240    1093
    1       0     103      49       0       0       0     152    1245
    2      37      92      21       0       0       0     150    1395
    3     118      83       0       0       0       0     201    1596
    4      60      32       0       0       0       0      92    1688
    5      40      35       0       0       0       1      76    1764

Top 10 QTH distribution:
   1.           CA  168         This distribution looks nothing like SS.
   2.           TX  131         And looks like 10M was open with all
   3.           PA   94         those CA Q's.
   4.           NC   72
   5.           NY   72
   6.           FL   68
   7.           WA   53
   8.           NJ   53
   9.           AZ   50
  10.           TN   49

Chad Kurszewski, WE9V         e-mail:  Chad_Kurszewski at csg.mot.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & N4VJ / K4AAA

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