[3830] KI9A 1A IL '97FD

IBEW1JW at aol.com IBEW1JW at aol.com
Wed Jul 2 19:01:40 EDT 1997

The Federation of Amatuer Radio Transmitters (FART), did FD again this year.
OPS were Chuck-KI9A, Karl-K9BGL, Jim-K9VFA, on HF.  Carl-K9ZA & Kevin-WB9GKA
on VHF. We were off the air 3 times for 30 min each because of severe
lightning. Oh yeah, 3" of rain fell sat. evening also! Equip was a 135' open
wire fed dipole @ 50' for the low bands and 4 ele @ 30' for 6 and 4 ele @ 35'
for 2.  We had a 4ele @ 60' in a tree for 2 FM also.  Results were:

CW QSO's  1055
SSB QSO's   280
Total QSO's  1335
Total Points INCLUDING BONUS----5,880---

We had some good runs including a 100 Q hr on 20cw followed up by a 89 Q hour
on 20cw by KI9A, and several 70+ Q hours by K9BGL on 20/40/80. 

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