[3830] WPX 97CW KG0Z (W4ZW) SOAB LP

Jon E Hamlet w4zw at juno.com
Sun Jun 1 23:58:06 EDT 1997

Call: KG0Z     		 Country: United States 
Mode: CW     		 Category: Single Operator 
Operator: W4ZW 		Low Power 
Time On: 3.4 Hours 


160 	0 	   0 	0.0   	    0 
80 	0	   0 	0.0 	    0 
40         229     	920 	4.0    	 155 
20           39   	 68    	 1.7  	   25 
15             1    	   2 	2.0    	    1 
10 	0 	   0 	0.0 	    0 
Totals   269  	 990 	3.7	 181 = 179,190 

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted. 

Equipment Description: Yaesu FT-1000D, 402CD at 75' A4S at 60' 

Club Affiliation: Summit Contest Club 

Used our Colorado Summit Contest Club Call since no one was going to
operate this contest due to the Holiday weekend. I hardly got to operate
after three sets of relatives showed up for the weekend! Squeezed in a
little time Friday night on 40 which was wide open here with wall to wall
signals from EU and AF and wall to wall QRN from the storms in the path.
We usually operate this contest and the ARRL DX Contest from Colorado but
now that the kids are in school looks like my Colorado cohorts will have
to do the honors.

There's always next year. 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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