[3830] GW7J in ARRL DX SSB 97 Multi Single

Steve Jones steve at rjtrain.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 5 21:24:20 EST 1997


      Call: GW7J                     Country:
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single


      160       42      126          16
       80      167      501          32
       40       94      282          21
       20      479     1437          56
       15        8       24           8
       10        0        0           0

     Totals    790     2370         133  =   315,210

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: Steve GW0GEI, and Tony GW4VEQ

Equipment Description:
HF: TS850sat, HC5, TL922, 2 ele Gem Quad @ 10m, P100 Mini Tower PC
LF:  IC736, MFJ Voice Keyer, Alpha 91b, Butternut HF2V, 80m sloper at 20m,
160m V @ 20m, networked laptop.

Brief Summary
Decided to try multi single for the first time, in our first attempt in
this contest. Friday off work (Thanks to St Davids Day here in Wales)
repairing quad, realigning 160 inverted V, putting up sloper for 80m,
and learning how to network CT. Friday night spent assembling equipment
and testing network. Reason for doing multi single was neither of us had
time to do single op due to having spent previous weekends in arrldx cw
and 160 cw/ssb tests. Tony VEQ spent a lonely first eight hours on 40,80
and 160m where condx were terrible. I kicked off on 20m (after a nights
sleep) with VE8RCS and then the big guns started coming in at 1037z. I
had reasonable runs between 11z and 12z and 16z to 17z. Condx better on
Saturday night when Tony took over for the night shift and did a great
job on 80m and 160m. Before I went to bed we both ventured out into gale
force winds and horizontal rain to tilt over the 10m mast to save the
quad. The quad had to be repaired again on Sunday morning before 20m
opened. I had a whale of a time all day on 20m and hit 15m twice at the
right times. I had a permanent smile on my face after running the west
coast on 20m for two hours in the late afternoon (I will never do low
power entry again after seeing the difference the TL922 made!) Tony took
over again on Sunday night and made up for lost time on 40m. He hit 160m
at the right time just before 2300z and had a good run. I hit 80m for
the last 15 mins of the contest and picked up another 12k points with
some mults and a short run.

All in all, a satisfying first attempt, despite the wx, antenna
breakages, and lousy conditions on the Saturday. See you next year .. 73

Club Affiliation: Westnet DX Group/ADX CSG

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Tony Wyn Jones  GW4VEQ
               Penrhiw Bach
               Brungwran, Isle of Anglese,   LL65 3RD
               Wales UK

Steve Jones
Ynys Mon / Island of Anglesey
Gogledd Cymru / North Wales
UK 6M Group Member 295

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             N4VJ / K4AAA, KM3T, N5KO & AD1C

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