[3830] K1KI M/M CQWW SSB

frenaye at pcnet.com frenaye at pcnet.com
Mon Oct 27 05:50:10 EST 1997

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1997

      Call: K1KI                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi


      160      152      309     2.03     14      46
       80      653     1672     2.56     25      99
       40      494     1382     2.80     31     117
       20     2461     7080     2.88     39     173
       15     1139     3257     2.86     32     155
       10      464     1261     2.72     24     104
     Totals   5363    14961     2.79    165     694  =>  12,851,499

Operator List: K1CC K1KI K1PI K1RM KM1P K2KQ WA2GO

Equipment Description:

     160   TS850      Alpha86   4-square, Beverages
      80   FT1000mp   Alpha77   4-square, Beverages
      40   TS850      Titan     2/2 @ 65/120'
      20   FT1000mp   Alpha77   4/4/5 @ 52/92/132'
      15   TS950      Titan     5L @ 57' (5L @ 105' failed at start)
      10   (same station as 160) 5/5 @ 48/68'

Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


80 - Thought we had 100 countries on 80m until I used the most recent 
cty.dat file and we dropped to 'just' 99 on 80m.

20 - It was pretty easy to work new zones until we only had one left.  Never
heard zone 23 although a couple of mid-west and western USA stations were
heard working a JT1.  Nice JA openings.

15 - Things started out poorly when we tuned up on 15m about 2330Z and
something on the top 15m beam failed, leaving only one 5L @ 57' to work 
with. During a nighttime 'spacewalk' up the tower about 0200Z KM1P checked 
out the coax and couldn't find any obvious problems.

After the rains ended Saturday afternoon he checked things up to the top of
the tower and still found nothing to repair.  Looks like we lost a coax
connector, balun or something at the feedpoint (the top 5L 15m beam is 10'
above the top of the tower with no way to reach it without pulling the
rotator and dropping the mast).  Everyone was blowing us away on 15m during
the early openings both days when high antennas played the best.

10 - With disturbed conditions it was a real surprise to have a couple of
brief European openings, and the mid-afternoon opening on Sunday was good 
for a dozen European mults.

No other serious hardware or software problems this time.  We'll have to 
find a few more voice keyers for the next serious SSB effort!  This was our 
best CQWW SSB effort yet.  Now for some 15m beam repairs before the CW 

                                  73 Tom
Continent Statistics
                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   SSB   87  230   93  195  117   91  813    14.8
South America   SSB    6   23   35   96  111  182  453     8.3
Europe          SSB   56  398  332 1727  784  131 3428    62.5
Asia            SSB    0    1    8  393   45    0  447     8.2
Africa          SSB    4   15   21   70   60   51  221     4.0
Oceania         SSB    2    7   21   37   38   16  121     2.2
QSO Counts By Band-Country

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10

   DL    10          76          47         285          79           1
   EA     3          54          33         135          96          38
    F     6          29          23         128          62          23
    G     8          40          15         139          74           2
    I     2          19          48         180         106          18
   SP     1          16           9          79          35
   UA                 7          13          82          24
   UR                 7          10          68          14

  EA8     3           3           5           9          10           4
   ZS                 1           1          22           9          18

   JA                             2         322          23
  UA9/0                           1          27           8

North America
    K    31          37          10          61          22          23
  KP4                 2           4           5          11          10
   VE    33         144          39          68          25           5
   XE     2           3           6           7           6          10

   VK                 4           9          11           9           1
   ZL                             2          12           7           7

South America
   CX                             2           4           4          17
   LU                 5           6          26          33          88
   PY                             6          28          28          40
   YV     1           3           5           7           9           4

HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

   0     3/2     34/12    42/28    49/30    16/5     10/3    154/80  154/80
   1    19/5     56/16    24/14    29/18      .        .     128/53  282/133
   2    19/7     40/16    11/6     21/6      2/2       .      93/37  375/170
   3    16/3     44/9     33/14    12/2      2/2       .     107/30  482/200
   4     3/2     39/8     13/8     13/6       .        .      68/24  550/224
   5     8/1     51/2     24/8     14/5       .        .      97/16  647/240
   6     9/6     34/7      9/3     23/8       .        .      75/24  722/264
   7     4/1     31/5     25/5     17/1       .        .      77/12  799/276
   8     1/1     14/5     19/4     10/2     .....    .....    44/12  843/288
   9     3/3     11/4     11/4      4/0      2/2       .      31/13  874/301
  10     3/1      3/1      6/2     13/6      1/1       .      26/11  900/312
  11      .       3/1      3/1     71/15    16/13     4/4     97/34  997/346
  12      .        .        .     125/9     61/20    16/7    202/36 1199/382
  13      .        .        .      89/3     90/13    38/28   217/44 1416/426
  14      .        .        .      79/8     86/8     46/13   211/29 1627/455
  15      .       3/0       .      65/3     48/18    12/5    128/26 1755/481
  16    .....     2/0      2/0    121/6     60/16    21/4    206/26 1961/507
  17      .       2/0      6/0     87/5     42/10    27/0    164/15 2125/522
  18      .        .        .     127/2     38/8     13/2    178/12 2303/534
  19      .       5/0      1/0    101/4     19/8     17/0    143/12 2446/546
  20      .       7/0      1/0     68/7     23/4     21/1    120/12 2566/558
  21      .       2/0      1/0     93/5      9/2     12/4    117/11 2683/569
  22      .       6/0     35/0    104/3     34/1      5/3    184/7  2867/576
  23      .      19/0     18/0     44/4      6/1       .      87/5  2954/581
   0     4/0     12/1     22/1      2/0     .....    .....    40/2  2994/583
   1      .      26/3     12/1     10/1       .        .      48/5  3042/588
   2     2/0     19/2     13/2      4/0       .        .      38/4  3080/592
   3     1/0     10/2     12/3      4/0       .        .      27/5  3107/597
   4     3/1     22/1      3/0       .        .        .      28/2  3135/599
   5    31/12    34/2      3/1      6/1       .        .      74/16 3209/615
   6    16/1     47/1     11/1      5/0       .        .      79/3  3288/618
   7      .      21/2     25/3      6/0       .        .      52/5  3340/623
   8    .....     1/0     17/2      3/0     .....    .....    21/2  3361/625
   9     1/1      2/0      2/1     11/0       .        .      16/2  3377/627
  10     1/0       .       4/1     27/0      3/0       .      35/1  3412/628
  11      .       3/0      3/2     79/1     14/5      2/0    101/8  3513/636
  12      .       2/1      1/0     88/2     55/2      4/0    150/5  3663/641
  13      .       3/0       .      69/1     81/4      5/2    158/7  3821/648
  14      .       4/0      3/0     73/3    125/2     12/2    217/7  4038/655
  15      .       7/0      8/0    128/0     26/1     19/7    188/8  4226/663
  16    .....     5/0     .....   124/3     74/2      3/0    206/5  4432/668
  17      .       3/0       .      77/3     74/3     19/2    173/8  4605/676
  18      .        .       4/0     86/2     33/1     41/4    164/7  4769/683
  19      .        .        .      69/1     20/0     28/5    117/6  4886/689
  20      .       2/1       .      52/1     22/3     60/10   136/15 5022/704
  21      .       5/0      3/0     76/1     28/0     29/1    141/2  5163/706
  22      .       4/0     27/4     31/0     18/2       .      80/6  5243/712
  23     5/1     15/0     37/1     52/1     11/0       .     120/3  5363/715
DAY1    88/32   406/86   284/97 1379/158  555/134   242/74    ..... 2954/581
DAY2    64/16   247/16   210/23  1082/21   584/25   222/33      .   2409/134
TOT    152/48  653/102  494/120 2461/179 1139/159  464/107      .   5363/715

E-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com   
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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