[3830] KO6N @ N6RO WPX SSB Score, Saga, Statistics
Tony and Celia Becker
Thu Apr 16 09:18:36 EDT 1998
Hi All!
Callsign Used : KO6N @ N6RO
Band Captains : N6RO, KX7M(T94WW), K6AW, K3EST, N6IG, AE0M
Relief Operators : + K1KI, K2KW, KM6F(JH1SBE), IK8ETA
Radios : 2x FT1000MP, 2x FT990, TS950S, TS930
Amps : 4x ALPHA 76, LK550, 3-500Zs
Software : TRlog v. 6.24
Club : Northern Califonia Contest Club
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Prefix Antennas Operator
160SSB 192 189 164 21 4 Square, Bevs. N6RO
80SSB 683 680 2196 87 Yagi/Quad Wires KX7M, KM6F+
40SSB 616 609 2632 99 4/4 KLM K6AW+
20SSB 1630 1603 3118 474 5/5 KLM K3EST+
15SSB 1314 1309 2842 275 6/6 KLM N6IG+
10SSB 324 320 769 82 3/5/5 Hygain AE0M+IK8ETA
Totals 4759 4710 11721 1038
Final Score = 12166398 points.
This year we had some intramural competition to keep things interesting.
Despite our attempt to slow him down by using feature-rich TRLog, 'EST Bob
wins the QSOs and Mults crowns 1603/474. Challenger Jim, N6IG, took over
15m for a not too shabby 1309/275 and is our new rate champion with a first
hour of 158.
Also, unlike last year, our team had some real competition ...
Call used: KU8E (@ QTH of K8CC)
Operators: K8CC, K8GT, K8MM, KU8E, N8CQA, N8NX, W8MJ, WD8S
band QSOs points rig antennas
160 224 131 IC-756/PT-2500A Vertical, Bevs
80 511 1104 FT-1000D/PA91B 4-square
40 353 1502 FT-1000D/4-1000A 3L, dipoles
20 1375 2967 TS-850/4-1000A 5L/5L, 4L south
15 1510 3985 IC-765/3-1000Z 5L/5L, 4L south
10 285 714 IC-756/PT-2500A 5L/5L, 4L south
TOTAL 4258 10403 X 1072 multipliers = 11,152,016
Club or Team Name: Mad River Radio Club
Too close for comfort! On 80m, where we had the Miki advantage, we had nearly
double the QSO points. We may still need that 2nd 4 square on 80m. (Imagine
Miki with a 4 square; would he get excited and raise his voice?) With the
stack on 40m sans nearby horizontal wires we could Kick Butt once again.
Probably don't need a 4 square here. Dave, K8CC came to the April NCCC
meeting and proffered the usual excuses (it was a new crew, we were still
arguing what call to use 10 min before the contest started, etc...) but
we agreed that it was a FUN competition.
Drop-in Paolo, IK8ETA, had never logged with a computer before, but was up
running 'em on 10m within two hours Saturday afternoon. His Spanish was very
effective into South America. He had so much FUN he stayed overnight and did
it again Sunday.
Steve and Tony as usual pounded them out on 40m and 10m with lots of help from
the relief ops Kenny and Paolo. Kenny treated the whole team to a BBQ
Saturday evening; careful Kenny, or we will start calling this a 'tradition'.
pts/QSO QSOs % Mults. %
0 1497 32% 337 32%
2 246 5% 39 4%
3 2079 44% 553 53%
4 168 4% 21 2%
6 720 15% 88 8%
Total 4710 100% 1038 100%
Once again, zero point Qs were one third of our total, and one third of our
multipliers. Can't live with 'em; can't live without 'em.
USA only
Band QSOs % Mults. %
160 151 3% 19 2%
80 285 6% 51 5%
40 154 3% 28 3%
20 514 11% 144 14%
15 334 7% 79 8%
10 59 1% 16 2%
Total 1497 32% 337 32%
Once again, 'EST Bob worked 'em so fast he worked 'em first, but this means
he worked the highest fraction of zero pointers too.
QSOs reporting QSO # 1:
Band QSOs % Mults. %
160 37 1% 7 1%
80 67 1% 10 1%
40 32 1% 7 1%
20 60 1% 22 2%
15 55 1% 19 2%
10 49 1% 13 1%
Total 300 6% 78 8%
QSOs reporting QSO # <= 10:
Band QSOs % Mults. %
160 91 2% 13 1%
80 229 5% 36 3%
40 129 3% 17 2%
20 298 6% 89 9%
15 301 6% 102 10%
10 92 2% 31 3%
Total 1140 24% 288 28%
Once again, casual operators were important, but not nearly as prevelant.
Last year QSO #1's accounted for 24% of our QSOs and 20% percent of our
mults. and those with ten or less QSOs accounted for 61% and 55% percent of
our mults. Perhaps this means they were making more QSOs this year!
We worked these two counters on all six bands:
these eight on five bands (missing):
VA3DX (10)
VA3SK (10)
VE6FI (10)
VE6FR (10)
VE6JY (10)
VE6SV (10)
VE7SZ (10)
VE7ZZZ (10)
(wait until 10m REALLY opens!)
and two clueless non-counters as well on five bands
(I'm certain their hearts were in the right place.)
Our score was up nearly 50% from last year (as AE0M), with slightly better
conditions, but not much better EU conditions. 80, and 160 were noisy. It
was nice to have an operating team with international flavor, plus a
distinguished visitor from the east coast, K1KI!
Ken, N6RO and Tony, AE0M
Continent List WPX 98 SSB - KO6N
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
USA calls = 151 285 154 514 334 59 1497
VE calls = 26 73 29 116 43 2 289
N.A. calls = 6 14 19 33 40 13 125
S.A. calls = 1 3 26 43 73 195 341
Euro calls = 0 0 35 469 73 0 577
Afrc calls = 0 1 5 10 16 0 32
Asia calls = 0 20 21 103 50 0 194
JA calls = 0 268 290 237 555 1 1351
Ocen calls = 5 16 29 78 124 50 302
Unknowns = 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
Total calls = 189 680 609 1603 1309 320 4710
Unknowns on 40 = BP0RIW Anyone know where these guys were?
Unknowns on 15 = BP0RIW
HR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOTAL
-- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------
0 --- --- 11/9 111/68 158/92 47/31 327/200 327/200
1 --- 4/1 12/9 108/50 80/29 37/15 241/104 568/304
2 1/0 7/4 26/16 81/34 40/14 3/1 158/69 726/373
3 16/5 32/9 12/8 85/33 19/2 --- 164/57 890/430
4 32/4 37/8 14/3 64/17 --- --- 147/32 1037/462
5 21/6 45/11 16/9 13/7 --- --- 95/33 1132/495
6 31/2 31/6 29/11 5/2 --- --- 96/21 1228/516
7 15/1 31/3 26/4 10/4 --- --- 82/12 1310/528
8 5/0 28/5 28/6 23/3 --- --- 84/14 1394/542
9 12/0 31/3 52/4 10/3 --- --- 105/10 1499/552
10 2/0 73/8 29/1 3/3 --- --- 107/12 1606/564
11 6/1 60/7 35/3 --- --- --- 101/11 1707/575
12 --- 38/6 41/2 3/1 --- --- 82/9 1789/584
13 --- 29/0 36/1 27/19 2/0 --- 94/20 1883/604
14 --- 8/1 1/0 30/16 11/7 --- 50/24 1933/628
15 --- 4/1 --- 43/16 13/3 --- 60/20 1993/648
16 --- --- 1/0 53/19 41/6 9/0 104/25 2097/673
17 --- --- --- 69/27 23/5 9/1 101/33 2198/706
18 --- --- --- 34/17 52/11 13/4 99/32 2297/738
19 --- --- --- 29/6 70/15 28/8 127/29 2424/767
20 --- --- --- 39/10 44/8 29/7 112/25 2536/792
21 --- --- 8/1 29/9 107/10 34/1 178/21 2714/813
22 --- --- 4/1 47/10 85/11 14/0 150/22 2864/835
23 --- --- 5/0 23/3 86/5 12/1 126/9 2990/844
0 --- --- 10/1 27/0 77/6 9/0 123/7 3113/851
1 --- 1/0 13/2 58/9 70/8 --- 142/19 3255/870
2 --- 8/3 7/0 56/7 95/10 --- 166/20 3421/890
3 1/0 21/3 5/0 51/7 16/0 --- 94/10 3515/900
4 8/0 14/2 7/1 81/14 5/0 --- 115/17 3630/917
5 2/0 13/0 21/0 36/2 1/0 --- 73/2 3703/919
6 3/1 14/0 14/2 21/1 --- --- 52/4 3755/923
7 10/1 22/1 12/0 35/2 --- --- 79/4 3834/927
8 3/0 13/0 17/2 3/1 --- --- 36/3 3870/930
9 3/0 15/1 12/0 4/0 --- --- 34/1 3904/931
10 8/0 21/1 30/0 15/0 --- --- 74/1 3978/932
11 4/0 33/1 18/1 7/2 --- --- 62/4 4040/936
12 2/0 24/0 16/0 --- --- --- 42/0 4082/936
13 1/0 19/1 23/1 --- --- --- 43/2 4125/938
14 1/0 1/0 7/0 29/13 4/1 --- 42/14 4167/952
15 2/0 2/1 --- 28/9 6/4 --- 38/14 4205/966
16 --- 1/0 9/1 34/10 18/3 1/0 63/14 4268/980
17 --- --- --- 12/7 10/0 9/1 31/8 4299/988
18 --- --- 2/0 23/1 5/3 5/0 35/4 4334/992
19 --- --- --- 55/5 21/6 13/1 89/12
20 --- --- --- 15/0 41/4 7/0 63/4
21 --- --- --- 17/0 37/3 15/5 69/8
22 --- --- --- 15/0 38/5 11/3 64/8
23 --- --- --- 42/7 34/4 15/3 91/14
D1 141/19 458/73 386/88 939/377 831/218 235/69 2990/844
D2 48/2 222/14 223/11 664/97 478/57 85/13 1720/194
TO 189/21 680/87 609/99 1603/474 1309/275 320/82 4710/1038
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